Business Consulting para inversiones Perú Combustibles SA
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Inversiones Perú Combustibles SA, fundada en 1999, es una empresa de capitales peruanos
que opera en las ciudades de Iquitos, Pucallpa y Nauta. Se especializa en la comercialización
de combustibles para embarcaciones en los departamentos de Loreto y Ucayali, con tres
estaciones de suministro de combustible o "Grifos flotantes" ubicados en los ríos Amazonas,
Marañón y Ucayali.
El propósito de este proyecto de consultoría es determinar las causas detrás de la reducción de
rentabilidad experimentada en los últimos cuatro años. El análisis realizado por nuestro equipo
incluyó la revisión de la información financiera, reuniones con representantes de la empresa, y
el empleo de herramientas de análisis estratégico como PESTEL, MEFE, AMOFHIT, MEFI,
las cinco fuerzas competitivas de Porter y el diagrama de Ishikawa.
Se identificaron siete causas principales: procesos operativos manuales, transporte de
combustible tercerizado, activos fijos improductivos, falta de integración entre áreas, procesos
no acreditados bajo normas ISO, ausencia de procedimientos operativos escritos y carencia de
indicadores de gestión (KPIs).
Para abordar estos problemas, proponemos un Plan General de Mejora de la Rentabilidad que
incluye: la activación de flota propia para el transporte de combustibles, la certificación ISO
para el proceso de despacho, la implementación de un Sistema Integrado de Gestión y el
desarrollo de una intranet. La inversión necesaria es de S/ 830,500 Soles, con un período de
ejecución de 25 semanas. Se estima que estas mejoras generarán un Valor Actual Neto (VAN)
positivo de S/ 0.943 millones de Soles, con una tasa de retorno de la inversión del 44.76%, una
relación costo-beneficio superior a 1 y un período de recuperación de 2 años y 3 meses,
confirmando la viabilidad del proyecto.
Inversiones Perú Combustibles SA, established in 1999, is a private company with Peruvian capital operating in Iquitos, Pucallpa, and Nauta. It specializes in the commercialization of fuels for vessels operating in the departments of Loreto and Ucayali, with three strategically located fuel supply stations or "Floating Gas Stations" on the Amazon, Marañón, and Ucayali rivers. The purpose of this consultancy project is to determine the causes behind the profitability decline experienced over the past four years. The analysis conducted by our team included reviewing financial information, meeting with company representatives, and employing strategic analysis tools such as PESTEL, MEFE, AMOFHIT, MEFI, Porter's Five Competitive Forces, and the Ishikawa cause-and-effect diagram. Seven main causes were identified: manual operational processes, outsourced fuel transportation, unproductive fixed assets, lack of integration between areas, non-ISO accredited processes, absence of written operational procedures, and a lack of management indicators (KPIs). To address these issues, we propose a Comprehensive Profitability Improvement Plan that includes activating our own fleet for fuel transportation, ISO certification for the fuel dispatch process, implementing an Integrated Management System, and developing an intranet. The required investment is S/ 830,500 Soles, with an execution period of 25 weeks. The proposed improvements are expected to generate a positive Net Present Value (NPV) of S/ 0.943 million Soles, with a return on investment rate of 44.76%, a cost-benefit ratio greater than 1, and a payback period of 2 years and 3 months, confirming the project's viability.
Inversiones Perú Combustibles SA, established in 1999, is a private company with Peruvian capital operating in Iquitos, Pucallpa, and Nauta. It specializes in the commercialization of fuels for vessels operating in the departments of Loreto and Ucayali, with three strategically located fuel supply stations or "Floating Gas Stations" on the Amazon, Marañón, and Ucayali rivers. The purpose of this consultancy project is to determine the causes behind the profitability decline experienced over the past four years. The analysis conducted by our team included reviewing financial information, meeting with company representatives, and employing strategic analysis tools such as PESTEL, MEFE, AMOFHIT, MEFI, Porter's Five Competitive Forces, and the Ishikawa cause-and-effect diagram. Seven main causes were identified: manual operational processes, outsourced fuel transportation, unproductive fixed assets, lack of integration between areas, non-ISO accredited processes, absence of written operational procedures, and a lack of management indicators (KPIs). To address these issues, we propose a Comprehensive Profitability Improvement Plan that includes activating our own fleet for fuel transportation, ISO certification for the fuel dispatch process, implementing an Integrated Management System, and developing an intranet. The required investment is S/ 830,500 Soles, with an execution period of 25 weeks. The proposed improvements are expected to generate a positive Net Present Value (NPV) of S/ 0.943 million Soles, with a return on investment rate of 44.76%, a cost-benefit ratio greater than 1, and a payback period of 2 years and 3 months, confirming the project's viability.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Combustibles--Perú
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