Los libreros de la Feria de libros Amazonas y las tensiones de la transición tecnológica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La Feria de Libros Amazonas en Lima es un espacio de compra y venta de libros
orientado a un público perteneciente a sectores de bajos recursos económicos. Este
lugar, al ofrecer una amplia variedad de libros a precios bajos, busca reducir las barreras
que dificultan el acceso a la lectura y la cultura en el Perú. Ante el cierre temporal de la
feria durante la pandemia de la COVID-19, los libreros y vendedores de libros se vieron
forzados a modificar sus tradicionales formas de trabajo e incursionar en la venta online
y el uso de herramientas digitales, como WhatsApp y las redes sociales.
La pandemia de la COVID-19 precipitó una importante transición tecnológica que tuvo
un efecto en el quehacer de los libreros, la cual se expresó en una mayor facilidad para
realizar ventas, encontrar información pertinente sobre libros y un cambio en la relación
con los compradores de libros. Esta transición no solo permitió a los libreros subsistir a
las dificultades propias de las restricciones sanitarias, sino que, a la luz de los beneficios
y oportunidades que permitió identificar, también modificó sus percepciones con
respecto al internet y las tecnologías digitales contemporáneas, las cuales antes eran
percibidas como superficiales e incluso contrarias a las pretensiones intelectuales que
rodean el interés por leer libros. Los libreros reconocen que ellos mismos tienen
dificultades para mantenerse a la vanguardia de estos cambios y entre ellos coexisten
opiniones mixtas que evalúan estas transformaciones de manera tanto positiva como
The Feria de Libros Amazonas in Lima is a space for buying and selling books aimed at a public belonging to low-income sectors. By offering a wide variety of books at low prices, this place seeks to reduce the barriers that hinder access to reading and culture in Peru. Faced with the temporary closure of the fair during the COVID-19 pandemic, booksellers were forced to modify their traditional ways of working and venture into online sales and the use of digital tools, such as WhatsApp and social networks. The COVID-19 pandemic precipitated an important technological transition that had an effect on the work of booksellers, which was expressed in greater ease in making sales, finding relevant information about books, and a change in the relationship with book buyers. This transition not only allowed booksellers to subsist amidst the difficulties inherent to health restrictions but also, in light of the benefits and opportunities it allowed them to identify, modified their perceptions regarding the internet and contemporary digital technologies, which were previously perceived as superficial and even contrary to the intellectual pretensions surrounding the interest in reading books. Booksellers recognize that they themselves have difficulties staying at the forefront of these changes, and among them, there are mixed opinions that evaluate these transformations both positively and negatively.
The Feria de Libros Amazonas in Lima is a space for buying and selling books aimed at a public belonging to low-income sectors. By offering a wide variety of books at low prices, this place seeks to reduce the barriers that hinder access to reading and culture in Peru. Faced with the temporary closure of the fair during the COVID-19 pandemic, booksellers were forced to modify their traditional ways of working and venture into online sales and the use of digital tools, such as WhatsApp and social networks. The COVID-19 pandemic precipitated an important technological transition that had an effect on the work of booksellers, which was expressed in greater ease in making sales, finding relevant information about books, and a change in the relationship with book buyers. This transition not only allowed booksellers to subsist amidst the difficulties inherent to health restrictions but also, in light of the benefits and opportunities it allowed them to identify, modified their perceptions regarding the internet and contemporary digital technologies, which were previously perceived as superficial and even contrary to the intellectual pretensions surrounding the interest in reading books. Booksellers recognize that they themselves have difficulties staying at the forefront of these changes, and among them, there are mixed opinions that evaluate these transformations both positively and negatively.
Libros--Precios--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Ferias comerciales--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Mercadeo por Internet--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Pandemia de COVID-19, 2020- --Perú
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