Adaptación y estandarización del test figura/palabra de vocabulario receptivo de Morrison F. Gardner en estudiantes de 3 años a 6 años 11 meses de edad en colegios estatales y particulares de la UGEL No 07- San Borja.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación tiene como finalidad la adaptación y
estandarización del Test figura/palabra de vocabulario receptivo de Morrison F.
Gardner en estudiantes de 3 a 6 años y 11 meses pertenecientes a la UGEL 7- San
Borja; el Test permite la estimación del vocabulario receptivo. Este trabajo es de
tipo cuantitativo no experimental de diseño transversal y evalúa las propiedades
psicométricas de la prueba.
La primera etapa del proceso consistió en obtener una validez de contenido
del test a través del análisis de expertos, para aprobar su adecuación o realizar las
correcciones respectivas. A continuación se realizó la recolección de datos
utilizando el protocolo adaptado de la prueba. Se tomó una muestra no
probabilística intencionada de 432 niños de entre 3 años a 6 años y 11 meses; se
consideraron las variables: género, edad y pertenencia a instituciones educativas nacionales o particulares. El análisis estadístico de los resultados se efectuó a
través del IBM SPSS Statistics 18.
Se pudo concluir que el test adaptado cuenta con validez de contenido y
confiabilidad, observándose diferencias significativas en relación a las variables
edad y tipo de institución educativa; no se encontraron diferencias significativas
en relación a la variable género. Se obtuvieron baremos en percentiles por edad.
Palabras clave: Vocabulario receptivo / Adaptación / Estandarización / Validez /
Confiabilidad / Baremos.
The aim purpose of this research is to adapt and standardize the Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test by Morrison F. Gardner in students between three and six years and eleven months old who belong to the UGEL number 7 in San Borja. This test allows the estimation of the receptive vocabulary. This research is a quantitative non – experimental cross – sectional design which evaluates the psychometrics features of the test. The first stage of the process consisted in obtaining validity of content from the test through the analysis of experts, in order to approve its modification or perform the respective corrections. Next on the process, the recollection of data was performed using the adapted protocol of the test. An intentional non probabilistic sample was taken from 432 children between three and six years and eleven months old; the following test variables were considered: gender, age and belonging to public or private institutions. The statistical analysis of the results was performed through the IBM SPSS Statistics 18. It is possible then to conclude that the adapted test counts with validity of content and reliability; in this case important differences were observed in relation to the age and the type of educational institution; however, there were not found important differences in relation to gender. Scales were obtained for age percentile ranks. Key words: Receptive Vocabulary / Adaptation / Standardization / Validity / Reliability / Scales.
The aim purpose of this research is to adapt and standardize the Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test by Morrison F. Gardner in students between three and six years and eleven months old who belong to the UGEL number 7 in San Borja. This test allows the estimation of the receptive vocabulary. This research is a quantitative non – experimental cross – sectional design which evaluates the psychometrics features of the test. The first stage of the process consisted in obtaining validity of content from the test through the analysis of experts, in order to approve its modification or perform the respective corrections. Next on the process, the recollection of data was performed using the adapted protocol of the test. An intentional non probabilistic sample was taken from 432 children between three and six years and eleven months old; the following test variables were considered: gender, age and belonging to public or private institutions. The statistical analysis of the results was performed through the IBM SPSS Statistics 18. It is possible then to conclude that the adapted test counts with validity of content and reliability; in this case important differences were observed in relation to the age and the type of educational institution; however, there were not found important differences in relation to gender. Scales were obtained for age percentile ranks. Key words: Receptive Vocabulary / Adaptation / Standardization / Validity / Reliability / Scales.
Niños--Lenguaje., Educación preescolar--Investigaciones., Fonología., Audiología.
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