Análisis del marco regulatorio de empresas y derechos humanos frente al trabajo infantil en la cadena de valor global del algodón: caso de la industria algodonera en Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Esta investigación analiza el marco regulatorio de empresas y derechos humanos frente al
trabajo infantil en la industria algodonera peruana. Se examina el contexto global del trabajo
infantil en las cadenas de valor, la evolución de las normas internacionales sobre empresas y
derechos humanos, y el marco normativo peruano relevante. El estudio se centra en la
implementación práctica de estas normas en el sector algodonero, evaluando la adopción de
estándares internacionales por las empresas, la efectividad de las políticas y programas
estatales, y los mecanismos de monitoreo y cumplimiento. Se identifican avances
significativos en la adopción formal de estándares internacionales y el desarrollo de políticas
nacionales. Sin embargo, se revelan desafíos persistentes en la implementación efectiva,
incluyendo limitaciones en recursos para la inspección laboral, brechas en la cobertura de
zonas rurales, y la prevalencia de la informalidad en el sector. La investigación concluye que,
si bien el marco regulatorio proporciona una base importante, su efectividad se ve limitada
por desafíos en la implementación y la necesidad de abordar las causas estructurales del
trabajo infantil. Se proponen recomendaciones para fortalecer la efectividad del marco
regulatorio, incluyendo la mejora de los mecanismos de monitoreo, el fortalecimiento de la
coordinación interinstitucional, y la promoción de enfoques más integrales que aborden las
causas fundamentales del trabajo infantil en el sector algodonero.
This research analyzes the regulatory framework for business and human rights in addressing child labor in the Peruvian cotton industry. It examines the global context of child labor in value chains, the evolution of international standards on business and human rights, and the relevant Peruvian regulatory framework. The study focuses on the practical implementation of these norms in the cotton sector, evaluating the adoption of international standards by companies, the effectiveness of state policies and programs, and monitoring and compliance mechanisms. Significant progress is identified in the formal adoption of international standards and the development of national policies. However, persistent challenges in effective implementation are revealed, including limitations in resources for labor inspection, gaps in coverage of rural areas, and the prevalence of informality in the sector. The research concludes that while the regulatory framework provides an important foundation, its effectiveness is limited by implementation challenges and the need to address the structural causes of child labor. Recommendations are proposed to strengthen the effectiveness of the regulatory framework, including improving monitoring mechanisms, strengthening interinstitutional coordination, and promoting more comprehensive approaches that address the root causes of child labor in the cotton sector.
This research analyzes the regulatory framework for business and human rights in addressing child labor in the Peruvian cotton industry. It examines the global context of child labor in value chains, the evolution of international standards on business and human rights, and the relevant Peruvian regulatory framework. The study focuses on the practical implementation of these norms in the cotton sector, evaluating the adoption of international standards by companies, the effectiveness of state policies and programs, and monitoring and compliance mechanisms. Significant progress is identified in the formal adoption of international standards and the development of national policies. However, persistent challenges in effective implementation are revealed, including limitations in resources for labor inspection, gaps in coverage of rural areas, and the prevalence of informality in the sector. The research concludes that while the regulatory framework provides an important foundation, its effectiveness is limited by implementation challenges and the need to address the structural causes of child labor. Recommendations are proposed to strengthen the effectiveness of the regulatory framework, including improving monitoring mechanisms, strengthening interinstitutional coordination, and promoting more comprehensive approaches that address the root causes of child labor in the cotton sector.
Trabajo infantil--Política gubernamental--Perú, Inspección de trabajo, Planificación política--Perú, Niños--Perú--Condiciones sociales, Algodón--Producción--Perú
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