Elaboración de propuestas de mejora que contribuyan a la sostenibilidad de una empresa avícola de Arequipa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Rico Pollo S.A.C es una empresa peruana destinada a la crianza, producción y
comercialización de alimentos de consumo a gran escala en las líneas de pollo y cerdo.
Forma parte de una corporación y tiene una planta de producción de alimentos, la cual se
encuentra localizada en Arequipa. En los últimos 20 años, las ventas han incrementado
significativamente, debido al crecimiento de la demanda por la ingesta de carne de pollo,
sin embargo, dentro de la empresa se ha encontrado que la sostenibilidad se encuentra en
un estado incipiente razón por la cual se decidió hacer la presente investigación.
Se decidió tomar como área de investigación el área de beneficio de pollos, ya que
es la más significativa de la empresa y es donde se pudo obtener acceso a la información
requerida. Se elaboró una encuesta teniendo en cuenta 40 factores previamente
seleccionados que sería aplicada a los obreros para poder explicar la sostenibilidad en la
empresa. Con los resultados obtenidos se pudo aplicar un método de regresión lineal
múltiple que se redujo en 3 variables que tuvieron mayor correlación con la variable
dependiente “sostenibilidad”: comunicación interna y externa, prácticas operativas justas
e instalaciones. Se analizaron estas 3 variables para poder crear indicadores que midan y
controlen el desempeño de la sostenibilidad, seguidamente, se analizaron los demás
factores que también dieron valores altos en correlación con la variable dependiente y se
escogieron con respaldo bibliográfico los siguientes: logística, conocimiento de la
legislación, contaminación del agua e inversión, lo que hará posible que en un futuro la
empresa se desempeñe mejor en el ámbito sostenible.
Finalmente, se sugirió propuestas de mejora para los 11 factores con menores
valores de correlación con la variable dependiente en la regresión lineal, las cuales le
permitirán mejorar a futuro los aspectos económicos, sociales y ambientales,
posicionándose de manera expectante en el sector donde se desempeña.
Rico Pollo S.A.C is a Peruvian company dedicated to the breeding, production and commercialization of consumer foods on a large scale in chicken and pork lines. It is part of a corporation and has a food production plant, which is located in Arequipa. In the last 20 years, sales have increased significantly, due to the growth in demand for the intake of chicken meat, however, within the company it has been found that sustainability is in an incipient state, which is why it is decided to do the present investigation. It was decided to take the chicken processing area as the research area, since it is the most significant area of the company and it is where access to the required information could be obtained. A survey was prepared taking into account 40 previously selected factors that would be applied to the workers in order to explain sustainability in the company. With the results obtained, it was possible to apply a multiple linear regression method that was reduced in 3 variables that had a greater correlation with the dependent variable “sustainability”: internal and external communication, fair operating practices and facilities. These 3 variables were analyzed to be able to create indicators that measure and control the performance of sustainability, then the other factors that also gave high values in correlation with the dependent variable were analyzed and the following were chosen with bibliographic support: logistics, knowledge of legislation, water pollution and investment, which will make it possible for the company to perform better in the sustainable field in the future. Finally, proposals for improvement were suggested for the 11 factors with the lowest correlation values with the dependent variable in the linear regression, which will allow it to improve the economic, social and environmental aspects in the future, positioning itself expectantly in the sector where it operates.
Rico Pollo S.A.C is a Peruvian company dedicated to the breeding, production and commercialization of consumer foods on a large scale in chicken and pork lines. It is part of a corporation and has a food production plant, which is located in Arequipa. In the last 20 years, sales have increased significantly, due to the growth in demand for the intake of chicken meat, however, within the company it has been found that sustainability is in an incipient state, which is why it is decided to do the present investigation. It was decided to take the chicken processing area as the research area, since it is the most significant area of the company and it is where access to the required information could be obtained. A survey was prepared taking into account 40 previously selected factors that would be applied to the workers in order to explain sustainability in the company. With the results obtained, it was possible to apply a multiple linear regression method that was reduced in 3 variables that had a greater correlation with the dependent variable “sustainability”: internal and external communication, fair operating practices and facilities. These 3 variables were analyzed to be able to create indicators that measure and control the performance of sustainability, then the other factors that also gave high values in correlation with the dependent variable were analyzed and the following were chosen with bibliographic support: logistics, knowledge of legislation, water pollution and investment, which will make it possible for the company to perform better in the sustainable field in the future. Finally, proposals for improvement were suggested for the 11 factors with the lowest correlation values with the dependent variable in the linear regression, which will allow it to improve the economic, social and environmental aspects in the future, positioning itself expectantly in the sector where it operates.
Control de procesos--Mejoramiento, Industria avícola--Perú--Arequipa, Aves de corral--Industria y comercio, Empresas comerciales--Sostenibilidad
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