Impacto de las buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo en la creación de valor de las bolsas de valores de Lima y países de latinoamérica
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación fue realizada con el propósito general de describir la relación existente
entre la implementación de buenas prácticas de gobierno corporativo y la generación de valor
de las empresas que componen el índice selectivo de la Bolsa de Valores de Lima, durante el
periodo 2014-2016. Para dar respuesta a este enunciado, se desarrolló una investigación
descriptiva y correlacional, con enfoque cuantitativo, teniendo como variable independiente al
índice de buen gobierno corporativo y como variable dependiente la generación de valor, que
se midió a través de los siguientes indicadores: (a) costo de capital promedio ponderado
(WACC), (b) precio a ventas (PTS), (c) precio a ganancias (P/E), (d) rendimiento sobre los
activos (ROA), (e) retorno sobre el capital invertido (ROIC), (f) rendimiento sobre capital
(ROC), (g) ganancias antes de intereses e impuestos (EBIT), (h) beneficios antes de intereses,
impuestos, amortizaciones y depreciaciones (EBITDA); (i) valor de la empresa (EV), y (j) valor
económico agregado (EVA). La población de la investigación estuvo integrada por 18
empresas que componen el Índice Selectivo de la Bolsa de Valores de Lima y se decidió
incluir a todas en el estudio para reducir el error estadístico y tener representatividad; pero tres
de estas empresas no tenían publicados los resultados de la implementación del buen gobierno
corporativo, por lo que tuvieron que ser excluidas de la muestra, siendo la principal
limitación del estudio. Los resultados de la investigación permiten concluir que no existe
relación entre las variables, es decir, que el incremento en el índice de buen gobierno
corporativo no afecta el comportamiento del valor de la empresa.
This research was developed with the general purpose of describing the existing correlation between the implementation of good corporate governance practices and the generation of value of the companies that make up the Selective Index on the Lima Stock Exchange during the period 2014-2016. To respond to this statement, a descriptive and correlational research was developed, with a quantitative approach, having as an independent variable the index of good corporate governance and as a dependent variable the generation of value, which was measured through the following indicators: (a) weighted average cost of capital (WACC), (b) price to sales (PTS), (c) price to earnings (P/E), (d) return over assets (ROA), (e) return over investment capital (ROIC), (f) return over capital (ROC), (g) earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), (h) earnings before interest, taxes, amortizations and depreciation (EBITDA); (i) enterprise value (EV), and (j) economic value added (EVA). The population of the research was composed of 18 companies that make up the Selective Index of the Lima Stock Exchange and it was decided to include all of them in the study to reduce the statistical error and have representativeness; but three of these companies had not published the results of the implementation of good corporate governance, so they had to be excluded from the sample, being the main limitation of the study. The results of the investigation allow us to conclude that there is no correlation between the variables, that is to say that the increase in the good corporate governance index does not affect the behavior of the value of the company.
This research was developed with the general purpose of describing the existing correlation between the implementation of good corporate governance practices and the generation of value of the companies that make up the Selective Index on the Lima Stock Exchange during the period 2014-2016. To respond to this statement, a descriptive and correlational research was developed, with a quantitative approach, having as an independent variable the index of good corporate governance and as a dependent variable the generation of value, which was measured through the following indicators: (a) weighted average cost of capital (WACC), (b) price to sales (PTS), (c) price to earnings (P/E), (d) return over assets (ROA), (e) return over investment capital (ROIC), (f) return over capital (ROC), (g) earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), (h) earnings before interest, taxes, amortizations and depreciation (EBITDA); (i) enterprise value (EV), and (j) economic value added (EVA). The population of the research was composed of 18 companies that make up the Selective Index of the Lima Stock Exchange and it was decided to include all of them in the study to reduce the statistical error and have representativeness; but three of these companies had not published the results of the implementation of good corporate governance, so they had to be excluded from the sample, being the main limitation of the study. The results of the investigation allow us to conclude that there is no correlation between the variables, that is to say that the increase in the good corporate governance index does not affect the behavior of the value of the company.
Responsabilidad social de las empresas, Valor--Finanzas, Gobierno corporativo, Investigación cuantitativa
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