El Derecho a la Ciudad de las personas con discapacidad motriz y movilidad reducida: contenido del derecho, su regulación y justiciabilidad en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene dos propósitos. Primero, demostrar que las
personas con discapacidad motora y movilidad reducida son titulares del derecho a la
ciudad, el mismo que contempla el disfrute de una vida urbana digna,
específicamente, con acceso a espacios públicos diseñados acorde a sus
necesidades. De acuerdo con ello, es nuestro objetivo delimitar el contenido esencial
del derecho a la ciudad a partir de referentes internacionales y nacionales.
Segundo, pretendemos demostrar la importancia de la constitucionalización del
derecho a la ciudad en el ordenamiento jurídico peruano, a la luz del caso de las
personas con discapacidad motora y movilidad reducida, por dos razones: (a) tiene
relación con otros derechos, pero por su contenido esencial merece protección
constitucional y no solo legal, (2) su justiciabilidad será efectiva mediante el proceso
de amparo
This research work has two purposes. First, to demonstrate that people with motor disabilities and reduced mobility are entitled to the right to the city, which includes the enjoyment of a dignified urban life, specifically, with access to public spaces designed according to their needs. Accordingly, we intend to delimit the essential content of the right to the city based on national and international references. Second, we intend to demonstrate the importance of the constitutionalization of the right to the city in the Peruvian legal system, in light of the case of persons with motor disabilities and reduced mobility, for two reasons: (a) it is related to other rights but because of its essential content it deserves constitutional protection and not only legal protection, (2) its justiciability will be effective through the amparo process
This research work has two purposes. First, to demonstrate that people with motor disabilities and reduced mobility are entitled to the right to the city, which includes the enjoyment of a dignified urban life, specifically, with access to public spaces designed according to their needs. Accordingly, we intend to delimit the essential content of the right to the city based on national and international references. Second, we intend to demonstrate the importance of the constitutionalization of the right to the city in the Peruvian legal system, in light of the case of persons with motor disabilities and reduced mobility, for two reasons: (a) it is related to other rights but because of its essential content it deserves constitutional protection and not only legal protection, (2) its justiciability will be effective through the amparo process
Personas con discapacidad--Legislación--Perú, Derecho a la no discriminación, Derechos humanos--Perú, Espacios públicos--Aspectos sociales--Perú