Impacto de la implementación de filtros personalizados de un catálogo en línea para la búsqueda de los recursos de información por parte de estudiantes de pregrado de una universidad peruana privada durante el ciclo 2023-2
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo conocer el impacto de la implementación
de dos filtros personalizados de un catálogo en línea para la búsqueda de los recursos
de información por parte de los estudiantes de un campus de pregrado de una universidad
peruana privada. Esta mejora del catálogo bibliotecario fue realizada en agosto del 2023
e implica el refinamiento de los parámetros de búsqueda a través de los filtros
personalizados, tales como “obras literarias” y “asignaturas”. De esta forma, se espera
facilitar la búsqueda de los recursos mediante la reducción del tiempo para encontrar el
material deseado y aumentar la facilidad de obtención de los resultados más exactos,
mejorando así la experiencia del usuario.
Esta implementación se realizó en dos etapas: la capacitación por parte del
proveedor y la ejecución de las configuraciones adecuadas en el Sistema Integrado de
Gestión Bibliotecaria en la nube llamada Alma. Posteriormente, se procedió a evaluar los
resultados mediante una encuesta a los usuarios, entrevistas a los colaboradores y
reportes generados por el sistema bibliotecario en la nube para obtener información de
carácter cuantitativo y cualitativo. Finalmente, se exponen las conclusiones y reflexiones.
The purpose of this work aims to know the impact of the implementation of two customized filters of an online catalog for the search of information resources by students of an undergraduate campus at a private Peruvian university. This improvement of the library catalog was set up in August 2023, which involves the refinement of the search parameters through customized filters such as "Literary works" and "Courses", which is expected to facilitate the search for resources by reducing the time to find the desired material and the ease of obtaining more accurate results by improving the user experience. This implementation was set up in two stages: training by the software provider and the execution of the appropriate configurations in the Integrated Library Management System of the library information supplier in the cloud name. Subsequently, the results were evaluated by means of user surveys, interviews with collaborators and reports generated from the library system to obtain quantitative and qualitative information. Finally, conclusions and reflections are presented.
The purpose of this work aims to know the impact of the implementation of two customized filters of an online catalog for the search of information resources by students of an undergraduate campus at a private Peruvian university. This improvement of the library catalog was set up in August 2023, which involves the refinement of the search parameters through customized filters such as "Literary works" and "Courses", which is expected to facilitate the search for resources by reducing the time to find the desired material and the ease of obtaining more accurate results by improving the user experience. This implementation was set up in two stages: training by the software provider and the execution of the appropriate configurations in the Integrated Library Management System of the library information supplier in the cloud name. Subsequently, the results were evaluated by means of user surveys, interviews with collaborators and reports generated from the library system to obtain quantitative and qualitative information. Finally, conclusions and reflections are presented.
Usuarios de bibliotecas, Recursos de información--Administración