Estilo motivacional de enseñanza, necesidades psicológicas básicas, compromiso y estrés académico en estudiantes de secundaria
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
De acuerdo a lo postulado en la Teoría de la Autodeterminación, el presente estudio buscó
examinar la relación entre los estilos motivacionales de enseñanza (apoyo a la autonomía
y estilo de control), las necesidades psicológicas básicas (NPB; satisfacción y
frustración), el compromiso académico (agente y conductual) y el estrés académico
percibido por los estudiantes durante su asistencia al espacio metodológico de Trabajo
Personal (TP). La muestra fue compuesta por 262 estudiantes de secundaria de un colegio
privado de Lima. Asimismo, se examinaron las propiedades psicométricas de los
instrumentos empleados, encontrándose adecuadas evidencias, en cuanto a su validez y
confiabilidad. Se encontró que la percepción de apoyo a la autonomía se relaciona de
manera positiva con la satisfacción de NPB (r = .43, p < .01) y con ambos tipos de
compromiso académico (r = .56, p <.01; r = .28, p <.01), mientras que se relaciona
negativamente con el estrés académico (r = -.11, p < .01). Por otro lado, el estilo
motivacional de control se relacionó positivamente con la frustración de NPB (r = .35, p
< .01) y con la percepción del estrés académico (r = .20, p < .01), mientras que se
relacionó de manera negativa con ambos tipos de compromiso (r = -.25, p < .01; r = -.18,
p < .01). Dichos resultados se discutirán a partir de las dos tendencias del
comportamiento: el lado claro (“bright side”) y el lado oscuro (“dark side”) de la
motivación de los estudiantes durante dicho espacio metodológico.
According to the postulates of the Self-Determination Theory, the present study sought to examine the relationship between motivational teaching styles (support for autonomy and control style), basic psychological needs (NPB; satisfaction and frustration), academic commitment (agent and behavioral) and the academic stress perceived by the students during their attendance to the methodological space of Personal Work (TP). The sample was composed of 262 high school students from a private school in Lima. Likewise, the psychometric properties of the instruments used were examined, finding adequate evidence regarding its validity and reliability. It was found that the perception of autonomy support is positively related to the satisfaction of NPB (r = .43, p <.01) and with both types of academic commitment (r = .56, p <.01; r = .28, p <.01), while negatively related to academic stress (r = -.11, p <.01). On the other hand, the motivational style of control was positively related to the frustration of NPB (r = .35, p <.01) and the perception of academic stress (r = .20, p <.01), while related negatively with both types of commitment (r = -.25, p <.01; r = -.18, p <.01). These results will be discussed based on the two behavioral trends: the “bright side” and the “dark side” of the students' motivation during said methodological space.
According to the postulates of the Self-Determination Theory, the present study sought to examine the relationship between motivational teaching styles (support for autonomy and control style), basic psychological needs (NPB; satisfaction and frustration), academic commitment (agent and behavioral) and the academic stress perceived by the students during their attendance to the methodological space of Personal Work (TP). The sample was composed of 262 high school students from a private school in Lima. Likewise, the psychometric properties of the instruments used were examined, finding adequate evidence regarding its validity and reliability. It was found that the perception of autonomy support is positively related to the satisfaction of NPB (r = .43, p <.01) and with both types of academic commitment (r = .56, p <.01; r = .28, p <.01), while negatively related to academic stress (r = -.11, p <.01). On the other hand, the motivational style of control was positively related to the frustration of NPB (r = .35, p <.01) and the perception of academic stress (r = .20, p <.01), while related negatively with both types of commitment (r = -.25, p <.01; r = -.18, p <.01). These results will be discussed based on the two behavioral trends: the “bright side” and the “dark side” of the students' motivation during said methodological space.
Psicología del aprendizaje--Perú, Rendimiento académico--Perú, Motivación en la educación--Perú, Estrés en adolescentes--Perú, Educación secundaria--Perú
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