Análisis de la insuficiente propuesta educativa de la ESCFOCON para el desarrollo de competencias del personal policial de las comisarías de Lima Metropolitana en el periodo 2021-2023
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Los policías saben que no cuentan con un programa de formación, capacitación y especialización
que responda a las necesidades de la población. Por un lado, una encuesta de la Policía Nacional
del Perú (PNP, 2022) detectó que 95,0% de los efectivos consideran necesario recibir
capacitaciones continuas, para desarrollar sus funciones. Asimismo, 96,3% menciona que dichas
capacitaciones contribuirían a mejorar la prestación de sus servicios. Por otro lado, el estudio del
INEI (2023) detectó que solo 22% de los encuestados a nivel nacional siente suficiente o bastante
confianza en la PNP.
Es así que el proyecto de innovación descrito en este documento analiza y afronta la
escasa y desactualizada capacitación ofrecida al personal policial de comisarías.
Su investigación se centra en la Escuela de Formación Continua (ESCFOCON),
reconociendo su rectoría en la formación y preparación de efectivos policiales. Para evidenciar
la problemática se revisaron documentos normativos y de gestión y se analizaron 3.000
encuestas, 20 entrevistas y 10 grupos focales a efectivos policiales y/o expertos en gestión
Finalmente, la solución del proyecto de innovación plantea un modelo educativo centrado
en el desarrollo de competencias del personal policial de Lima Metropolitana que corrija, innove
y dinamice su formación. Lo que demanda replantear tanto la planificación educativa como la
gestión de los recursos administrativos y pedagógicos.
The innovation project described in this document focuses on the scarce and outdated police training for those officers working at police stations. Police officers do not have the training they need to meet the needs of citizen security. In this sense, a PNP survey found out that 95.0% of personnel consider it necessary to receive continuous training to carry out their functions. Likewise, 96.3% mention that training would improve the provision of police services. On the other hand, a national INEI (2023) study noticed that only 22% of the population trust Peruvian Police forces. Recognizing its leadership in the training and preparation of police officers, this document focuses on the School of Continuing Training (ESCFOCON). Their methodology is mixed since it is based on 3,000 technical surveys, 20 interviews and 10 focus groups with police officers and experts. Based on those results, the solution proposed is an educational model that corrects, innovates and energizes police training.
The innovation project described in this document focuses on the scarce and outdated police training for those officers working at police stations. Police officers do not have the training they need to meet the needs of citizen security. In this sense, a PNP survey found out that 95.0% of personnel consider it necessary to receive continuous training to carry out their functions. Likewise, 96.3% mention that training would improve the provision of police services. On the other hand, a national INEI (2023) study noticed that only 22% of the population trust Peruvian Police forces. Recognizing its leadership in the training and preparation of police officers, this document focuses on the School of Continuing Training (ESCFOCON). Their methodology is mixed since it is based on 3,000 technical surveys, 20 interviews and 10 focus groups with police officers and experts. Based on those results, the solution proposed is an educational model that corrects, innovates and energizes police training.
Policía, Capacitación de--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Formación profesional--Perú--Lima Metropolitana, Planificación educativa--Perú--Lima Metropolitana
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