Modificación de las tablas de infracciones y sanciones de la Ley 30714 y optimización de la calificación de denuncias en el procedimiento administrativo disciplinario de la Policía Nacional del Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
El trabajo de investigación tiene como finalidad optimizar los procesos que
realizan los órganos disciplinarios de la PNP, al haberse percibido que existe una
carga procesal significativa de expedientes administrativos disciplinarios no
resueltos, o expedientes resueltos sin llegar a determinarse responsabilidad
disciplinaria alguna para los presuntos infractores, adicionalmente a ello se suman
los expedientes prescritos y caducados, esto hace necesaria la reorientación de las
actuales políticas disciplinarias.
Las hipótesis propuestas se fundamentan en el incremento de la carga
procesal de expedientes, de los casos de prescripción y caducidad; así como, en el
incremento del porcentaje de infracciones cometidas en un sector definido de la
La investigación realizada es de tipo descriptivo, habiéndose analizado
información relevante, los instrumentos aplicados son la guía de observación y guía
de entrevistas, el prototipo ha sido validado mediante el proceso de testeo de
expertos, en ese sentido, se concluye, que es necesaria la modificación de las
actuales tablas de infracciones previstas en la Ley N° 30714, a efectos de optimizar
el procedimiento disciplinario, haciéndolo más agil, eficiente, oportuno y menos
burocrático, contribuyendo a disminuir la actual carga procesal y coadyuvando al
fin preventivo, educativo y formador de disciplina en el personal policial.
The purpose of the investigation work is to optimize the processes carried out by the PNP disciplinary bodies, when it is perceived that there is a significant procedural burden of unresolved disciplinary administrative files, or files resolved without determining any disciplinary responsibility for the alleged offenders, In addition to this, the prescribed and expired records are added, this makes it necessary to reorient the current disciplinary policies. The proposed hypotheses are based on the increase in the procedural burden of files, prescription and expiration cases; as well as, in the increase of the percentage of infractions committed in a defined sector of the PNP. The research carried out is descriptive, having analyzed relevant information, the instruments applied are the observation guide and interview guide, the prototype has been validated through the expert testing process, in that sense, it is concluded that modification is necessary of the current tables of infractions provided for in Law No. 30714, in order to optimize the disciplinary procedure, making it more agile, efficient, timely and less bureaucratic, helping to reduce the current procedural burden and contributing to the preventive, educational and training purpose of discipline in police personnel.
The purpose of the investigation work is to optimize the processes carried out by the PNP disciplinary bodies, when it is perceived that there is a significant procedural burden of unresolved disciplinary administrative files, or files resolved without determining any disciplinary responsibility for the alleged offenders, In addition to this, the prescribed and expired records are added, this makes it necessary to reorient the current disciplinary policies. The proposed hypotheses are based on the increase in the procedural burden of files, prescription and expiration cases; as well as, in the increase of the percentage of infractions committed in a defined sector of the PNP. The research carried out is descriptive, having analyzed relevant information, the instruments applied are the observation guide and interview guide, the prototype has been validated through the expert testing process, in that sense, it is concluded that modification is necessary of the current tables of infractions provided for in Law No. 30714, in order to optimize the disciplinary procedure, making it more agile, efficient, timely and less bureaucratic, helping to reduce the current procedural burden and contributing to the preventive, educational and training purpose of discipline in police personnel.
Policía Nacional (Perú), Procedimiento administrativo--Legislación--Perú, Sanciones administrativas--Perú
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