La práctica del valor del respeto en la convivencia escolar en modalidad virtual - Estudio en el 3er grado de primaria de una institución educativa pública de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis, es una investigación de enfoque cualitativo y de nivel
descriptiva, cuyo objetivo principal es analizar la práctica del valor del respeto en
la convivencia escolar virtual de estudiantes de tercer grado de primaria de una
institución educativa pública de Lima. El interés por el tema investigado surge
por el contexto de pandemia actual y los conflictos generados en nuestra
sociedad en torno a la práctica del valor del respeto. Por ello, resulta importante
cuestionarse cómo realmente se da la práctica del respeto en un grupo de
estudiantes de primaria en entornos virtuales para su formación y desarrollo
como ciudadano. Para la recolección de información se utiliza dos instrumentos;
guía de preguntas y cuaderno de campo, con el objetivo de identificar las
nociones o ideas sobre el valor del respeto y su práctica en la convivencia escolar
virtual. Con relación a los resultados se identifica que tanto como idea o noción
y en la práctica de la misma, los estudiantes asocian el valor del respeto, cómo
obediencia a la autoridad. Asimismo, la mayoría de estudiantes manifiestan ideas
y actitudes favorables para la convivencia escolar, tales como respetarse a uno
mismo, mediante la autoconfianza y respetar los demás mediante el respeto de
las opiniones de los compañeros.
This thesis is a qualitative and descriptive-level research, whose main objective is to analyze the practice of the value of respect in the virtual school coexistence of third-grade students of a public educational institution in Lima. Interest in the investigated topic arises from the current pandemic context and the conflicts generated in our society around the practice of the value of respect. For this reason, it is important to question how the practice of the value of respect for a group of elementary school students in virtual environments for their training and development as a respectful citizen really occurs. Two instruments were used to collect information; question guide and field notebook, in order to identify the notions or ideas about the value of respect and its practice in virtual school coexistence. Regarding the results, it was identified that both as an idea or notion and in its practice, students associate the value of respect, as obedience to authority. However, the majority show favorable ideas and attitudes for school coexistence, such as respecting oneself through self-confidence and respecting others by respecting the opinions of classmates.
This thesis is a qualitative and descriptive-level research, whose main objective is to analyze the practice of the value of respect in the virtual school coexistence of third-grade students of a public educational institution in Lima. Interest in the investigated topic arises from the current pandemic context and the conflicts generated in our society around the practice of the value of respect. For this reason, it is important to question how the practice of the value of respect for a group of elementary school students in virtual environments for their training and development as a respectful citizen really occurs. Two instruments were used to collect information; question guide and field notebook, in order to identify the notions or ideas about the value of respect and its practice in virtual school coexistence. Regarding the results, it was identified that both as an idea or notion and in its practice, students associate the value of respect, as obedience to authority. However, the majority show favorable ideas and attitudes for school coexistence, such as respecting oneself through self-confidence and respecting others by respecting the opinions of classmates.
Respeto, Valores (Educación), Educación virtual, Educación primaria--Perú--Lima
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