Garantía del plazo razonable y su afectación en la instrucción del procedimiento administrativo sancionador en SUNAFIL
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El Procedimiento Administrativo Sancionador, es un instrumento que
garantiza el ejercicio del poder sancionador del Estado, bajo principios como la
legalidad, debido procedimiento entre otros. En el Perú, al igual que otros
procesos, este presenta desafíos significativos, en el Debido Procedimiento, en
el alcance del derecho al plazo razonable.
La Superintendencia Nacional de Fiscalización Laboral, al implementar su
propio Procedimiento Administrativo Sancionador, enfrenta problemas dentro de
este procedimiento en la etapa instructora, en la cual se han identificado demoras
en la notificación de imputación de cargos, por un vacío legal, lo cual genera
diversas consecuencias. Este estudio analiza si los procedimientos
sancionadores de SUNAFIL cumplen con el plazo razonable, identificando las
deficiencias y evaluando su impacto en el debido proceso.
En esta investigación se examinaron casos concretos para identificar
estos problemas. Los resultados evidencian que las prácticas actuales de
SUNAFIL afectan al plazo razonable y el derecho de defensa del PAS.
Se realizan sugerencias mejoras basadas en la identificación del problema
central, que busca garantizar procedimientos más eficientes y justos,
consolidando la confianza de los administrados en el sistema administrativo
The Administrative Sanctioning Procedure is an instrument that guarantees the exercise of the State's sanctioning power, under principles such as legality, due process, among others. In Peru, like other processes, this presents significant challenges in Due Process, in the scope of the right to a reasonable period. The National Superintendence of Labor Supervision, when implementing its own Administrative Sanctioning Procedure, faces problems within this procedure in the investigative stage, in which delays have been identified in the notification of charges, due to a legal loophole, which generates various consequences. This study analyzes whether SUNAFIL's sanctioning procedures comply with the reasonable period, identifying the deficiencies and evaluating their impact on due process. In this research, specific cases were examined to identify these problems. The results show that SUNAFIL's current practices affect the reasonable period and the right of defense of the PAS. Suggestions for improvements are made based on the identification of the central problem, which seeks to guarantee more efficient and fair procedures, consolidating the trust of those administered in the Peruvian administrative system.
The Administrative Sanctioning Procedure is an instrument that guarantees the exercise of the State's sanctioning power, under principles such as legality, due process, among others. In Peru, like other processes, this presents significant challenges in Due Process, in the scope of the right to a reasonable period. The National Superintendence of Labor Supervision, when implementing its own Administrative Sanctioning Procedure, faces problems within this procedure in the investigative stage, in which delays have been identified in the notification of charges, due to a legal loophole, which generates various consequences. This study analyzes whether SUNAFIL's sanctioning procedures comply with the reasonable period, identifying the deficiencies and evaluating their impact on due process. In this research, specific cases were examined to identify these problems. The results show that SUNAFIL's current practices affect the reasonable period and the right of defense of the PAS. Suggestions for improvements are made based on the identification of the central problem, which seeks to guarantee more efficient and fair procedures, consolidating the trust of those administered in the Peruvian administrative system.
Perú. Superintendencia Nacional de Fiscalización Laboral, Procedimiento administrativo--Perú, Sanciones administrativas--Perú, Debido proceso--Perú