El canon de compositoras de música académica de la generación del 50 en Lima, Perú
Calderon Sabla, Cristina
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La generación de compositores académicos que vio Lima en los años 50 fue la más
importante para su historia musical hasta el día de hoy. Sin embargo, las compositoras están
ausentes en este periodo de creación musical. A pesar de que cada vez más mujeres accedían
a una educación musical, el canon de composición y los círculos de compositores seguían
siendo conformados exclusivamente por hombres. Esta investigación propone re-descubrir la
historia de la composición académica de Lima, donde las mujeres que participaron lo hicieron
por otros medios, pues no se sentían bienvenidas en la escena de compositores, a la vez de
encontrar las razones por las que estas compositoras optaron por mantener su profesión como
algo privado.
The generation of composers that appeared in Lima in the 50s was the most important for its musical history until today. Nonetheless, the women composers were absent in this period of musical productivity. Even when more women had access to musical education, the composers canon and their communities remained mainly conformed by men. This investigation proposes a re-discovery of the history of peruvian composition, where the women that participated in music creation had to find another way, because they did not feel welcomed in the scene of composers, and to find the reason why these women composers decided to maintain their profession as a private matter.
The generation of composers that appeared in Lima in the 50s was the most important for its musical history until today. Nonetheless, the women composers were absent in this period of musical productivity. Even when more women had access to musical education, the composers canon and their communities remained mainly conformed by men. This investigation proposes a re-discovery of the history of peruvian composition, where the women that participated in music creation had to find another way, because they did not feel welcomed in the scene of composers, and to find the reason why these women composers decided to maintain their profession as a private matter.
Educación musical--Perú--Lima--Historia, Mujeres en el arte--Perú--Lima--Historia, Generación del 50--Perú
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