Miedo al delito y autoritarismo: análisis de contenido en redes sociales en un contexto de inseguridad ciudadana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Bajo un contexto de inseguridad ciudadana, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo
analizar el contenido sobre los comentarios expresados en noticias sobre hechos delictivos
publicados en las páginas virtuales de los principales diarios nacionales durante el año 2015.
Estos comentarios fueron analizados cualitativamente y, tras una revisión de los mismos, se pudo
establecer dos ejes de análisis en función a las noticias revisadas: a) el autoritarismo expresado
en el discurso de las personas y sus implicancias en la percepción de la figura del delincuente; y
b) la desconfianza hacia las instituciones públicas y su relación con la dinámica autoritaria
presente en los participantes.
Así, los hallazgos de esta investigación expresan que los participantes manifestaron, en su
mayoría, comentarios en los que subyacían los fenómenos de agresión y respuesta autoritaria;
asimismo, se halló que la alta desconfianza percibida por la ciudadanía hacia las instituciones
públicas del país fomentan en los participantes la necesidad de buscar otros medios para eliminar
la amenaza percibida –los delincuentes–, que no necesariamente se ajustan al marco institucional
y legal que rige la sociedad.
Under a context of public insecurity, the present study aims to analyze the content from the comments expressed in news about criminal acts published on web pages from the main national newspapers during 2015. These commentaries were qualitatively analyzed and after its review could be established two analysis axes according to the news reviewed: a) The authoritarianism expressed on people‟s speech and its implications on the perception of the delinquent figure; b) The mistrust on the public institutions and its relation with the authoritarian dynamic reported on the participants of the study. So that, the results of this research reveal that the participants expressed, mostly, commentaries in which aggression phenomenon‟s and the authoritarian response were underneath. As well, it was found that high mistrust perceived from the citizen about the public institutions of the country promotes on the participants the necessity to look for others ways to eliminate the perceived threat, being understood as the delinquents, who do not adjust necessarily to the institutional and legal frame that regulate the society.
Under a context of public insecurity, the present study aims to analyze the content from the comments expressed in news about criminal acts published on web pages from the main national newspapers during 2015. These commentaries were qualitatively analyzed and after its review could be established two analysis axes according to the news reviewed: a) The authoritarianism expressed on people‟s speech and its implications on the perception of the delinquent figure; b) The mistrust on the public institutions and its relation with the authoritarian dynamic reported on the participants of the study. So that, the results of this research reveal that the participants expressed, mostly, commentaries in which aggression phenomenon‟s and the authoritarian response were underneath. As well, it was found that high mistrust perceived from the citizen about the public institutions of the country promotes on the participants the necessity to look for others ways to eliminate the perceived threat, being understood as the delinquents, who do not adjust necessarily to the institutional and legal frame that regulate the society.
Autoritarismo, Prevención del delito, Instituciones públicas--Perú
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