Valores e ideología política y su relación con la tolerancia a la transgresión en un grupo de residentes de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La asociación entre los valores, la ideología política y la tolerancia a la transgresión es
estudiada a partir de un diseño correlacional en una muestra de n= 105 residentes de Lima
Los resultados evidencian que a nivel de valores de Schwartz, la muestra está orientada
hacia la Autotrascendencia y, consistentemente con ello, reportan puntajes bajos en la
dimensión de Promoción Personal. De la misma manera, la muestra es baja en cuanto a
puntajes orientados a ideologías conservadoras, dominantes y autoritarias. Adicionalmente,
se observa que aunque la muestra se reporta poco propensa a la transgresión, se toleran
prácticas como la transgresión de convenciones sociales y, en segundo lugar, de tráfico de
influencias. A nivel correlacional, se observa que la Dominancia Social incrementa la
percepción de legitimidad de un sistema que no funciona adecuadamente y la propensión a
la transgresión
The association between values, political ideology and tolerance to transgression is studied from a correlational design in a sample of n = 105 residents of Metropolitan Lima. The results show that at the level of Schwartz values, the sample is oriented to Selftranscendence and, consistently with this, they report low scores in the Personal Promotion dimension. In the same way, the sample is low in terms of conservative, dominant and authoritarian ideologies. In addition, it is observed that although the sample is reported as not prone to transgression, practices such as the transgression of social conventions and, secondly, of influence peddling are tolerated. At the correlation level, it is observed that Social Dominance increases the perception of legitimacy of a system that does not work properly and the propensity to transgression.
The association between values, political ideology and tolerance to transgression is studied from a correlational design in a sample of n = 105 residents of Metropolitan Lima. The results show that at the level of Schwartz values, the sample is oriented to Selftranscendence and, consistently with this, they report low scores in the Personal Promotion dimension. In the same way, the sample is low in terms of conservative, dominant and authoritarian ideologies. In addition, it is observed that although the sample is reported as not prone to transgression, practices such as the transgression of social conventions and, secondly, of influence peddling are tolerated. At the correlation level, it is observed that Social Dominance increases the perception of legitimacy of a system that does not work properly and the propensity to transgression.
Ideología--Aspectos políticos, Tolerancia, Valores, Psicología social--Investigaciones
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