Derechos fundamentales y Técnicas de Reproducción Asistida (TERAs): el debate en torno al Caso Ricardo Morán en Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La sentencia 00882-2023-PA/TC ha generado un gran impacto al reconocer el
derecho fundamental de los niños concebidos por Técnicas de Reproducción
Asistida (TERAs) a ser legalmente reconocidos por sus padres. Sin embargo, el
caso plantea cuestiones más amplias sobre derechos fundamentales y la
legislación aplicable en el ámbito de la reproducción asistida en Perú.
Este artículo busca demostrar que, a pesar de representar un avance crucial en
términos de derechos fundamentales, particularmente en el reconocimiento de
la identidad y la nacionalidad de los niños concebidos por TERAs, aún existen
numerosos desafíos pendientes que incluyen cuestiones legales, éticas y
técnicas relacionadas a la materia en cuestión.
De esta manera se pretende fomentar el debate sobre la situación jurídica de las
TERAs, la protección de las familias monoparentales, la paternidad en el Perú y
otros temas relacionados. Enfatizando la importancia de seguir desarrollando
marcos legales más exhaustivos que protejan los derechos de los niños
concebidos mediante TERAs y de aquellas personas que opten por estos
métodos de reproducción. Así como la necesidad de abordar aspectos técnicos
y legales para garantizar un marco normativo claro y completo que regule la
reproducción asistida, equilibrando los derechos individuales con las
responsabilidades legales y éticas, contribuyendo así al avance legislativo y al
desarrollo de una normativa más sólida en este ámbito en Perú.
Ruling 00882-2023-PA/TC has generated a great impact by recognizing the fundamental right of children conceived by Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) to be legally recognized by their parents. However, the case raises broader questions about fundamental rights and applicable law in the field of assisted reproduction in Peru. This article seeks to demonstrate that, despite representing a crucial advance in terms of fundamental rights, particularly in the recognition of the identity and nationality of children conceived by ART, there are still numerous pending challenges that include legal, ethical and technical issues related to the matter in question. In this way, the aim is to encourage debate on the legal status of ETREs, the protection of single-parent families, parenthood in Peru and other related issues. Emphasizing the importance of continuing to develop more comprehensive legal frameworks that protect the rights of children conceived through ETREs and those who opt for these methods of reproduction. As well as the need to address technical and legal aspects to ensure a clear and comprehensive regulatory framework that regulates assisted reproduction, balancing individual rights with legal and ethical responsibilities, thus contributing to legislative progress and the development of a more solid regulation in this area in Peru.
Ruling 00882-2023-PA/TC has generated a great impact by recognizing the fundamental right of children conceived by Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) to be legally recognized by their parents. However, the case raises broader questions about fundamental rights and applicable law in the field of assisted reproduction in Peru. This article seeks to demonstrate that, despite representing a crucial advance in terms of fundamental rights, particularly in the recognition of the identity and nationality of children conceived by ART, there are still numerous pending challenges that include legal, ethical and technical issues related to the matter in question. In this way, the aim is to encourage debate on the legal status of ETREs, the protection of single-parent families, parenthood in Peru and other related issues. Emphasizing the importance of continuing to develop more comprehensive legal frameworks that protect the rights of children conceived through ETREs and those who opt for these methods of reproduction. As well as the need to address technical and legal aspects to ensure a clear and comprehensive regulatory framework that regulates assisted reproduction, balancing individual rights with legal and ethical responsibilities, thus contributing to legislative progress and the development of a more solid regulation in this area in Peru.
Reproducción humana asistida--Perú, Derechos fundamentales--Perú, Mujer--Salud reproductiva, Paternidad, Bioética--Aspectos legales
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