Propuesta de mejora del procedimiento de certificación de los profesionales y/o técnicos que laboran en los órganos encargados de las contrataciones de las entidades públicas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El proyecto de innovación se desarrolló en el marco de las Contrataciones Públicas del
Perú. A partir de la información recolectada, se evidencio que una gran cantidad de
profesionales que laboran en los OEC de las Entidades Públicas no se encuentran
certificados, a pesar de ser está una obligación que deben cumplir todas las Entidades
a nivel nacional.
Por ello, este proyecto está enfocado en encontrar una solución al problema público
identificado que es la “Ineficaz implementación del procedimiento de certificación de
profesionales y técnicos que laboran en el OEC de las Entidades Públicas a nivel
nacional desarrollado por el OSCE entre los años 2018 y 2019”.
La principal evidencia del problema fueron los informes emitidos por los OCI de 62
entidades en el año 2019, que identificaron que el 72.04 % de los profesionales no se
encuentran certificados, y por los informes de 12 entidades, que identificaron que el
65.40 % no se encuentran certificado. En consecuencia, se pone en riesgo la gestión
Por consiguiente, se propone cambios innovadores para enfrentar este problema
identificado, siendo la propuesta “Mejorar la Plataforma Pública del SICAN” que
implementa un registro de información, que permitirá generar una base de datos
confiable y accesible para un control y monitoreo más eficiente del OSCE, los OCI, de
la Contraloría General y de cada una de las OECs. Asimismo, esta propuesta fue
validada por los principales usuarios, desde el punto de vista de la deseabilidad
organizacional, la perspectiva de la factibilidad y la viabilidad económica.
This innovation project was developed within the framework of the Procurement Peru’s public sector. From the information collected, it became evident that a large number of professionals and technicians working in the bodies in charge of Public Entity Procurement (OEC) is not certified, at although this is an obligation that must be fulfilled by all national entities. Therefore, this project is focused on finding a solution to the public problem identified as the "Ineffective implementation of the certification procedure of professionals and technicians who work in the OEC of Public Entities at the developed by the OSCE between 2018 and 2019". The main evidence of the problem were the reports issued by the institutional control bodies (OCI) of 62 public entities in 2019, which identified that 72.04% of professionals are not certified, and by reports from 12 entities, which identified that 65.40% did not are certified. Consequently, logistics management is put at risk. The project therefore proposes innovative changes to address this problem identified, being the proposal "Improve the SICAN Public Platform" than by implementing an information register, which will make it possible to generate a reliable and accessible data for more efficient control and monitoring of the OSCE OCI, the Comptroller General's Office and each of the OECs. In addition, this proposal was validated by the main users, from the point of view of desirability and from the perspective of feasibility and economic viability.
This innovation project was developed within the framework of the Procurement Peru’s public sector. From the information collected, it became evident that a large number of professionals and technicians working in the bodies in charge of Public Entity Procurement (OEC) is not certified, at although this is an obligation that must be fulfilled by all national entities. Therefore, this project is focused on finding a solution to the public problem identified as the "Ineffective implementation of the certification procedure of professionals and technicians who work in the OEC of Public Entities at the developed by the OSCE between 2018 and 2019". The main evidence of the problem were the reports issued by the institutional control bodies (OCI) of 62 public entities in 2019, which identified that 72.04% of professionals are not certified, and by reports from 12 entities, which identified that 65.40% did not are certified. Consequently, logistics management is put at risk. The project therefore proposes innovative changes to address this problem identified, being the proposal "Improve the SICAN Public Platform" than by implementing an information register, which will make it possible to generate a reliable and accessible data for more efficient control and monitoring of the OSCE OCI, the Comptroller General's Office and each of the OECs. In addition, this proposal was validated by the main users, from the point of view of desirability and from the perspective of feasibility and economic viability.
Contratos públicos--Perú, Procedimiento administrativo--Perú, Responsabilidad administrativa--Perú, Administración pública--Perú, Contratos administrativos--Perú
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