Resolución de la ecuación de advección lineal unidimensional por un método de volúmenes finitos compacto de alto orden
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Los métodos numéricos de alto orden, necesarios para la discretización espacial,
son una de las áreas más activas del campo de la dinámica de fluidos computacional (CFD en sus siglas en inglés). Dentro de estos, los Métodos de Volúmenes Finitos (MVF) han encontrado difcultades en la implementación de los procesos de reconstrucción. En el presente trabajo presentamos e implementamos en Python un novedoso proceso de reconstrucción compacto de alto orden propuesto por Q. Wang [22]. La novedad yace en que el orden alto es alcanzado usando un estencil compacto; es decir, usando únicamente celdas vecinas. En este proceso se obtiene un conjunto de relaciones que sirven para obtener los coeficientes de los polinomios de reconstrucción sobre los volúmenes de control de interés preservando sus valores promedios y el de sus derivadas. Con estas relaciones obtenemos un sistema lineal sobredeterminado que al ajustarse por mínimos cuadrados resultan en un sistema tridiagonal por bloques para el caso de una ecuación de advección 1D. Para esta ecuación de advección usamos además el Análisis de Fourier para examinar los números de onda modificados por el MVF compacto. La reconstrucción incluye parámetros que son optimizados para mejorar las propiedades de dispersión/disipación. Así mismo, el análisis de estabilidad de von Neumann nos permite estimar el número CFL (Courant Friedrich Levy) máximo para dos métodos de Runge-Kutta. Finalmente, validamos tanto los órdenes de convergencia de la combinación del MVF compacto con dos esquemas de Runge-Kutta como los parámetros óptimos de los esquemas de reconstrucción.
The numerical methods of high order, necessary for spatial discretization, are one of the most active areas of the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics. Within these, Finite Volume Methods (abbreviated as MVF in spanish) have encountered difficulties in the implementation of reconstruction processes. In the present work we present a novel high order compact reconstruction process proposed by Q. Wang [22], and implemented in Python. The novelty lies in that high order is achieved using a compact stencil, that is, using only neighboring cells. In this process we obtain a set of relations that are constructed to obtain the coefficients of reconstruction polynomials on the control volumes of interest, preserving their average values and that of their derivatives. With these relations we obtain an overdetermined linear system that is adjusted by least squares resulting in a tridiagonal system by blocks in the case of a 1D advection equation. For this advection equation we also use the Fourier Analysis to examine the wave numbers modified by the compact MVF. The reconstruction includes parameters that are optimized to improve the dispersion / dissipation properties. Furthermore, the von Neumann stability analysis allows us to estimate the maximum CFL number for two Runge-Kutta methods. Finally, we validate the convergence orders of the combination of the compact MVF with two schemes of Runge-Kutta and we also validate the optimal parameters of the reconstruction schemes.
The numerical methods of high order, necessary for spatial discretization, are one of the most active areas of the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics. Within these, Finite Volume Methods (abbreviated as MVF in spanish) have encountered difficulties in the implementation of reconstruction processes. In the present work we present a novel high order compact reconstruction process proposed by Q. Wang [22], and implemented in Python. The novelty lies in that high order is achieved using a compact stencil, that is, using only neighboring cells. In this process we obtain a set of relations that are constructed to obtain the coefficients of reconstruction polynomials on the control volumes of interest, preserving their average values and that of their derivatives. With these relations we obtain an overdetermined linear system that is adjusted by least squares resulting in a tridiagonal system by blocks in the case of a 1D advection equation. For this advection equation we also use the Fourier Analysis to examine the wave numbers modified by the compact MVF. The reconstruction includes parameters that are optimized to improve the dispersion / dissipation properties. Furthermore, the von Neumann stability analysis allows us to estimate the maximum CFL number for two Runge-Kutta methods. Finally, we validate the convergence orders of the combination of the compact MVF with two schemes of Runge-Kutta and we also validate the optimal parameters of the reconstruction schemes.
Dinámica de fluidos, Análisis espectral, Análisis numérico, Ecuaciones diferenciales
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