Laboratorio de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (IDI) denominado SUTRANIN, para afrontar el inadecuado diseño de estrategia de fiscalización de la SUTRAN, en el control de la informalidad del transporte interprovincial de pasajeros en la región Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
El presente proyecto de innovación busca mejorar la gestión en la Superintendencia de
Transporte Terrestre de Personas, Carga y Mercancías – SUTRAN, considerando que
esta, tiene como problema público el “Inadecuado diseño de la estrategia de
fiscalización contra la informalidad del transporte interprovincial de pasajeros en la
región Lima”, generado por las causas siguientes: carencia de estudios técnicos e
inversión en investigación, limitados sistemas de procesos y personal con pasivo
compromiso. En resumen, “la SUTRAN adolece de un proceso de diseño de la
estrategia de fiscalización contra la informalidad del transporte interprovincial de
personas”. Con dicha problemática nace la interrogante, ¿Cómo podemos establecer
un modelo de gestión estratégico y dúctil, que permita a la SUTRAN diseñar
mecanismos eficaces de fiscalización contra la informalidad del transporte
interprovincial de pasajeros?, con ello y en respuesta a la interrogante se ha
desarrollado el “prototipo” final de innovación denominado “Modelo de Gestión del
Laboratorio de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación IDI, basado en procesos –
SUTRANIN”, que está compuesto de los siguientes componentes: Componente 1 –
Input: Recolección, procesamiento, estructuración y análisis de información. A su vez,
este componente está integrado por tres (03) subcomponente: (i) Captura o recolección
de la información; (ii) Almacenamiento y Procesamiento de la Información; y (iii) Análisis
de la Información. Componente 2 – Proceso: Definición, desarrollo, prototipado y
evolución de las estrategias generadas. A su vez, este componente está integrado por
tres (03) subcomponentes: (i) Exploración y valoración de la evidencia; (ii) Diseño de la
estrategia; y (iii) Construcción e iteración de la estrategia. Componente 3 – Output y
Evaluación: Formalización del Producto, Ejecución, Seguimiento y Evaluación de las
Estrategias. A su vez, este componente está integrado por dos (02) subcomponentes:
(i) Output: Formalización y ejecución de estrategia; y, (ii) Evaluación de la Estrategia.
This innovation project seeks to improve management in the Superintendency of Land Transport of People, Cargo and Merchandise - SUTRAN, considering that this has as a public problem the "Inadequate design of the control strategy against informality of inter- provincial passenger transport in the Lima region”, generated by the following causes: lack of technical studies and investment in research, limited process systems and personnel with passive commitment. In summary, "SUTRAN suffers from a process of designing the control strategy against the informality of inter-provincial transport of people”. With this problem, the question arises, how can we establish a strategic and ductile management model that allows SUTRAN to design effective control mechanisms against the informality of inter-provincial passenger transport? With this, and in response to the question, it has been developed the final "prototype" of innovation called "Management Model of the Research, Development and Innovation Laboratory IDI, based on processes - SUTRANIN", which is composed of the following components: Component. 1 - Input: Collection, processing, structuring and analysis of information. In turn, this component is made up of three (03) subcomponents: (i) Capture or collection of information; (ii) Storage and Processing of Information; and (iii) Analysis of the Information. Component. 2 - Process: Definition, development, prototyping and evolution of the generated strategies. In turn, this component is made up of three (03) subcomponents: (i) Exploration and evaluation of the evidence; (ii) Design of the strategy; and (iii) Construction and iteration of the strategy. Component. 3 - Output and Evaluation: Product Formalization, Execution, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Strategies. In turn, this component is made up of two (02) subcomponents: (i) Output: Formalization and execution of strategy; and (ii) Evaluation of the Strategy.
This innovation project seeks to improve management in the Superintendency of Land Transport of People, Cargo and Merchandise - SUTRAN, considering that this has as a public problem the "Inadequate design of the control strategy against informality of inter- provincial passenger transport in the Lima region”, generated by the following causes: lack of technical studies and investment in research, limited process systems and personnel with passive commitment. In summary, "SUTRAN suffers from a process of designing the control strategy against the informality of inter-provincial transport of people”. With this problem, the question arises, how can we establish a strategic and ductile management model that allows SUTRAN to design effective control mechanisms against the informality of inter-provincial passenger transport? With this, and in response to the question, it has been developed the final "prototype" of innovation called "Management Model of the Research, Development and Innovation Laboratory IDI, based on processes - SUTRANIN", which is composed of the following components: Component. 1 - Input: Collection, processing, structuring and analysis of information. In turn, this component is made up of three (03) subcomponents: (i) Capture or collection of information; (ii) Storage and Processing of Information; and (iii) Analysis of the Information. Component. 2 - Process: Definition, development, prototyping and evolution of the generated strategies. In turn, this component is made up of three (03) subcomponents: (i) Exploration and evaluation of the evidence; (ii) Design of the strategy; and (iii) Construction and iteration of the strategy. Component. 3 - Output and Evaluation: Product Formalization, Execution, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Strategies. In turn, this component is made up of two (02) subcomponents: (i) Output: Formalization and execution of strategy; and (ii) Evaluation of the Strategy.
Transporte--Perú--Auditoría, Transportes terrestres--Perú, Economía informal--Perú
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