Buenas prácticas en la gestión de talento en el sector construcción
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como propósito identificar y describir las buenas
prácticas en gestión del talento de tres empresas del sector construcción en el Perú durante el
año 2017. La investigación fue exploratoria, de enfoque cualitativo, diseño transversal y
alcance descriptivo. La muestra fue tomada por conveniencia, de acuerdo al juicio y
accesibilidad por parte de los investigadores. La búsqueda de información, análisis y
posteriores recomendaciones se realizaron según los objetivos de la presente investigación.
Se utilizaron como fuentes de evidencia entrevistas, encuestas y observación de
documentos relacionados a las organizaciones estudiadas. En el análisis se identificó que es el
área de Recursos Humanos quien se encarga de las tareas consideradas como subprocesos, y
gestiona el capital humano en la organización. Si bien no existe una documentación formal ni
análisis integral de los mismos, sí se realizan en la práctica. Por tanto, se detectaron cuatro
prácticas que generan buenos resultados en las organizaciones: (a) mejora continua de
procedimientos de captación y retención basada en un sistema integrado de referencia de
talentos alineado a la cultura organizacional; (b) estructura horizontal de comunicación que
fortalece el trabajo en equipo; (c) buena política de remuneraciones y beneficios; y (d)
adecuado clima organizacional que se viene sosteniendo a lo largo del tiempo.
Basándose en el presente estudio, las principales recomendaciones son estandarizar
prácticas de planeamiento estratégico del proceso de la gestión del talento, mantener la
comunicación constante entre colaboradores y el personal de dirección; y fortalecer las
prácticas involucradas en los subprocesos de gestión de talento a fin de lograr mejoras en el
desempeño. Para futuras investigaciones se recomienda ampliar el número representativo de
empresas a estudiar; así como también incluir los demás subprocesos, para tener una visión
global y mejor aprovechamiento de las prácticas identificadas.
The purpose of this research is to identify and describe good practices in talent management of three companies in the construction sector in Peru during the year 2017. The research was exploratory, with a qualitative approach, cross-sectional design and descriptive scope. The sample was taken through convenience, according to the judgment and accessibility by the researchers. The search for information, analysis and recommendations has been made according to the objectives of the present investigation. Interviews, surveys and document observation related to the organizations studied were used as evidence sources. In the analysis, it was identified that it is the Human Resources area that is responsible for the tasks considered as subprocesses, and manages the human capital in the organization. Although there is no formal documentation or its comprehensive analysis, it is done in practice. Therefore, four practices that generate good results in organizations have been detected: (a) continuous improvement of recruitment and retention procedures based on a talent reference system aligned with the organizational culture, (b) horizontal communication structure that strengthens teamwork, (c) good remuneration and benefits policy; and (d) adequate organizational climate that has been maintained over time. Based on this study, the main recommendations are to standardize strategic planning practices of the talent management process, maintain direct communication between collaborators and the management personnel, and strengthen the practices involved in the subprocesses of talent management in order to achieve performance improvements. For future research it is recommended to expand the representative number of companies to study; as well as include the other sub processes, to have a global vision and better use of the practices identified.
The purpose of this research is to identify and describe good practices in talent management of three companies in the construction sector in Peru during the year 2017. The research was exploratory, with a qualitative approach, cross-sectional design and descriptive scope. The sample was taken through convenience, according to the judgment and accessibility by the researchers. The search for information, analysis and recommendations has been made according to the objectives of the present investigation. Interviews, surveys and document observation related to the organizations studied were used as evidence sources. In the analysis, it was identified that it is the Human Resources area that is responsible for the tasks considered as subprocesses, and manages the human capital in the organization. Although there is no formal documentation or its comprehensive analysis, it is done in practice. Therefore, four practices that generate good results in organizations have been detected: (a) continuous improvement of recruitment and retention procedures based on a talent reference system aligned with the organizational culture, (b) horizontal communication structure that strengthens teamwork, (c) good remuneration and benefits policy; and (d) adequate organizational climate that has been maintained over time. Based on this study, the main recommendations are to standardize strategic planning practices of the talent management process, maintain direct communication between collaborators and the management personnel, and strengthen the practices involved in the subprocesses of talent management in order to achieve performance improvements. For future research it is recommended to expand the representative number of companies to study; as well as include the other sub processes, to have a global vision and better use of the practices identified.
Industria de la construcción--Perú--Lima, Investigación cualitativa
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