Valorización de las empresas: Alicorp S.A.A y subsidiarias y Grupo Nutresa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este trabajo de investigación desarrolla la valoración de dos empresas del rubro de
consumo masivo, las cuales son líderes en los países donde residen, así como a nivel regional
en Sudamérica y América Central. Alicorp S.A.A. y Subsidiarias de Perú (en adelante
"Alicorp") y Grupo Nutresa de Colombia (en adelante "Nutresa"), son las empresas
seleccionadas por ser empresas semejantes en cuanto a producción de alimentos para
consumo masivo, siendo ambas internacionales y con grandes retos debido a la coyuntura que
enfrenta la economía mundial.
Para realizar la valorización, se tuvo en cuenta el comportamiento de las variables
macroeconómicas relevantes durante el periodo 2016 a 2022, así como su proyección por los
bancos centrales de cada país y la Cepal; también se consideró el análisis sectorial
proporcionado por expertos de la industria. Además; de tener en cuenta el tamaño y la
composición del mercado de alimentos en cada uno de los países también sus dimensiones
mundiales y la información financiera facilitada por cada una de las empresas. Utilizamos el
método del flujo de caja descontado para calcular el valor fundamental de la empresa porque
este método logra una estimación más concisa con las expectativas de crecimiento y
generación de valor de las empresas. Para determinar la estimación del valor de cada empresa
se empleó el modelo CAPM considerando también un valor terminal tras considerar flujos a
El valor por acción estimado con el modelo muestra que los valores de mercado por
acción de ambas empresas están subvaluados desde la perspectiva de un inversionista. En
relación con los resultados financieros y el análisis posterior, puede deducirse que tanto
Alicorp como Nutresa presentan oportunidades de mejora en sus distintos indicadores que
pueden generar un valor adicional a la empresa.
Como conclusión del trabajo realizado, se recomiendan distintas mejoras en Alicorp
que incorpora ajustes de costos y gastos, así como la mejora en la estrategia de ventas.
Realizando las mejoras mencionadas el modelo estima un valor por acción 49.3% superior a
la cotización actual y 34.2% superior a la valorización sin mejoras.
La opción de una recompra de acciones como estrategia alternativa para Nutresa
arroja resultados positivos. En concreto, el beneficio por acción (BPA) experimenta un
incremento del 2.77% respecto al escenario inicial, mientras que el PER (Price-to-Earnings
Ratio) aumenta un 8.34%. Estos resultados indican que la recompra de acciones genera valor
para los accionistas de la empresa.
This research work develops the valuation of two companies in the mass consumption industry, which are leaders in the countries where they reside, as well as at a regional level in South and Central America. Alicorp S.A.A. and Subsidiaries of Peru (hereinafter "Alicorp") and Grupo Nutresa of Colombia (hereinafter "Nutresa"), are the companies selected because they are similar companies in terms of food production for mass consumption, being both international and with great challenges due to the situation faced by the world economy. To perform the valuation, the behavior of the relevant macroeconomic variables during the period 2016 to 2022 was considered, as well as their projection by the central banks of each country and ECLAC; the sectoral analysis provided by industry experts was also considered. In addition, to consider the size and composition of the food market in each of the countries also its global dimensions and the financial information provided by each of the companies. We used the discounted cash flow method to calculate the fundamental value of the company because this method achieves a more concise estimate with the growth and value generation expectations of the companies. To determine the estimate of the value of each company, the CAPM model was used, also considering a terminal value after considering flows in perpetuity. The value per share estimated with the model shows that the market values per share of both companies are undervalued from an investor's perspective. In relation to the financial results and the subsequent analysis, it can be deduced that both Alicorp and Nutresa present opportunities for improvement in their different indicators that can generate additional value to the company. As a conclusion of the work performed, several improvements in Alicorp are recommended, including cost and expense adjustments, as well as improvements in the sales strategy. By making the improvements, the model estimates a value per share 49.3% higher than the current share price and 34.2% higher than the valuation without improvements. The option of a share buyback as an alternative strategy for Nutresa yields positive results. Specifically, earnings per share (EPS) increased by 2.77% with respect to the first scenario, while the Price-to-Earnings Ratio (PER) increased by 8.34%. These results indicate that the share buyback generates value for the company's shareholders.
This research work develops the valuation of two companies in the mass consumption industry, which are leaders in the countries where they reside, as well as at a regional level in South and Central America. Alicorp S.A.A. and Subsidiaries of Peru (hereinafter "Alicorp") and Grupo Nutresa of Colombia (hereinafter "Nutresa"), are the companies selected because they are similar companies in terms of food production for mass consumption, being both international and with great challenges due to the situation faced by the world economy. To perform the valuation, the behavior of the relevant macroeconomic variables during the period 2016 to 2022 was considered, as well as their projection by the central banks of each country and ECLAC; the sectoral analysis provided by industry experts was also considered. In addition, to consider the size and composition of the food market in each of the countries also its global dimensions and the financial information provided by each of the companies. We used the discounted cash flow method to calculate the fundamental value of the company because this method achieves a more concise estimate with the growth and value generation expectations of the companies. To determine the estimate of the value of each company, the CAPM model was used, also considering a terminal value after considering flows in perpetuity. The value per share estimated with the model shows that the market values per share of both companies are undervalued from an investor's perspective. In relation to the financial results and the subsequent analysis, it can be deduced that both Alicorp and Nutresa present opportunities for improvement in their different indicators that can generate additional value to the company. As a conclusion of the work performed, several improvements in Alicorp are recommended, including cost and expense adjustments, as well as improvements in the sales strategy. By making the improvements, the model estimates a value per share 49.3% higher than the current share price and 34.2% higher than the valuation without improvements. The option of a share buyback as an alternative strategy for Nutresa yields positive results. Specifically, earnings per share (EPS) increased by 2.77% with respect to the first scenario, while the Price-to-Earnings Ratio (PER) increased by 8.34%. These results indicate that the share buyback generates value for the company's shareholders.
Empresas--Valoración, Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Perú
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