Configuraciones relacionales de mujeres adultas jóvenes en cuarentena por COVID-19 en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación pretendió explorar la experiencia relacional de dos mujeres adultas jóvenes a propósito del contexto de cuarentena por la pandemia de COVID-19 en Lima. Para ello, se empleó como constructo las configuraciones relacionales, enmarcadas en un diseño temático. Los instrumentos empleados fueron una ficha de datos sociodemográficos, la entrevista RAP (Paradigmas de Anécdotas Relacionales) y una guía de entrevista semiestructurada. El análisis de la información se ejecutó empleando el análisis temático en 3 pasos: identificación de configuraciones relaciones comunes, análisis de temas comunes en los episodios de las participantes y la propuesta de un modelo integrador de los dos primeros pasos. Posteriormente, se identificaron dos configuraciones relacionales comunes, una en referencia a eventos antes de la pandemia y otra en referencia a eventos durante la pandemia. En estas resaltó el deseo de protección y acompañamiento en el desarrollo, englobados en un contexto que incluyó temas como la angustia frente al contagio de la enfermedad y la muerte; a esto, se suma la percepción de vulnerabilidad. Todos los temas se evidenciaron en relación con las participantes mismas y sus seres queridos. Finalmente, se propone una discusión en la que se problematiza la relación entre las configuraciones relacionales de las participantes y su contexto, sugiriendo una posible influencia de este último en los síntomas personales de cada una.
This research aimed to explore the relational experience of two young adult women in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Lima. For this, relational configurations were used as a construct, framed in a thematic design. The instruments used were a sociodemographic data sheet, the RAP interview (Relational Anecdotal Paradigms) and a semi-structured interview guide. The analysis of the information was carried out through a thematic analysis in 3 steps: identification of common relational configurations, analysis of common themes in the episodes of the participants and proposal of an integrating model of the first two steps. Subsequently, two common relational configurations were identified, one referring to events prior to the pandemic and the other referring to events during the pandemic. In these, the desire for protection and support in development were highlighted, framed in a context that included issues such as anguish in front of contagion of the disease and death; added to this, perception of vulnerability was present in the participants. All themes were evidenced in relation to the participants themselves and their loved ones. Finally, a discussion is proposed in which the relationship between the relational configurations of the participants and their context is problematized, suggesting a possible influence of the latter on the personal symptoms of each one.
This research aimed to explore the relational experience of two young adult women in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Lima. For this, relational configurations were used as a construct, framed in a thematic design. The instruments used were a sociodemographic data sheet, the RAP interview (Relational Anecdotal Paradigms) and a semi-structured interview guide. The analysis of the information was carried out through a thematic analysis in 3 steps: identification of common relational configurations, analysis of common themes in the episodes of the participants and proposal of an integrating model of the first two steps. Subsequently, two common relational configurations were identified, one referring to events prior to the pandemic and the other referring to events during the pandemic. In these, the desire for protection and support in development were highlighted, framed in a context that included issues such as anguish in front of contagion of the disease and death; added to this, perception of vulnerability was present in the participants. All themes were evidenced in relation to the participants themselves and their loved ones. Finally, a discussion is proposed in which the relationship between the relational configurations of the participants and their context is problematized, suggesting a possible influence of the latter on the personal symptoms of each one.
Relaciones interpersonales--Aspectos psicológicos, Mujeres jóvenes--Perú--Lima, COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Impacto, Aislamiento social
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