Factores que Inciden en la Intención de la Deserción Estudiantil en Universidades Privadas de Lima, Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La problemática de la deserción estudiantil en el ámbito universitario es un asunto
crítico el cual requiere atención y solución. En el marco de esta investigación, el objetivo es
contribuir a la identificación de las variables relevantes, enmarcadas en la teoría de controlvalor, para comprender los factores que influyen en la intención de deserción estudiantil en
programas académicos de pregrado. Además, se amplía el alcance del modelo al incluir
variables de liderazgo y desempeño del docente. El estudio se realizó utilizando una
metodología transversal de enfoque cuantitativo, donde se aplicaron dos cuestionarios a 300
estudiantes de primer y segundo año de Universidades Privadas en la ciudad de Lima. El
primer cuestionario se basó en un instrumento desarrollado por Respondek, Seufert,
Stupnisky y Net, que permitió medir la intención de deserción estudiantil a través del control
académico percibido y las emociones académicas. El segundo cuestionario fue propuesto por
Cerda y Hernández y permitió observar el desempeño y liderazgo del docente. Los resultados
mostraron que la variable de control académico percibido tuvo un impacto negativo
significativo en la intención de deserción estudiantil. Es decir, a medida que aumenta el nivel
de control académico percibido, disminuye la intención de abandonar los estudios. Además,
se encontró que el desempeño y liderazgo de los docentes tuvo un efecto significativo y
negativo en la disminución de la intención de deserción en las Universidades Privadas de
The problem of student dropout in the university environment is a critical issue that requires attention and solution. Within the framework of this research, the objective is to contribute to the identification of relevant variables, framed in the control-value theory, to understand the factors that influence the intention of student desertion in undergraduate academic programs. In addition, the scope of the model is expanded to include leadership and professor performance variables. The study was conducted using a cross-sectional methodology with a quantitative approach, where two questionnaires were applied to 300 first and second year students of private universities in the city of Lima. The first questionnaire was based on an instrument developed by Respondek, Seufert, Stupnisky and Net, which allowed measuring the intention of student desertion through perceived academic control and academic emotions. The second questionnaire was proposed by Cerda and Hernandez and allowed observing professor performance and leadership. The results showed that the perceived academic control variable had a significant negative impact on the intention to dropout. That is, as the level of perceived academic control increases, the intention to drop out decreases. In addition, it was found that the performance and leadership of professor had a significant and negative effect on the decrease of the intention to dropout in the private universities of Lima.
The problem of student dropout in the university environment is a critical issue that requires attention and solution. Within the framework of this research, the objective is to contribute to the identification of relevant variables, framed in the control-value theory, to understand the factors that influence the intention of student desertion in undergraduate academic programs. In addition, the scope of the model is expanded to include leadership and professor performance variables. The study was conducted using a cross-sectional methodology with a quantitative approach, where two questionnaires were applied to 300 first and second year students of private universities in the city of Lima. The first questionnaire was based on an instrument developed by Respondek, Seufert, Stupnisky and Net, which allowed measuring the intention of student desertion through perceived academic control and academic emotions. The second questionnaire was proposed by Cerda and Hernandez and allowed observing professor performance and leadership. The results showed that the perceived academic control variable had a significant negative impact on the intention to dropout. That is, as the level of perceived academic control increases, the intention to drop out decreases. In addition, it was found that the performance and leadership of professor had a significant and negative effect on the decrease of the intention to dropout in the private universities of Lima.
Liderazgo (Educación), Deserción universitaria--Perú--Lima, Educación superior--Investigaciones, Rendimiento académico--Estudiantes universitarios--Perú--Lima, Emociones y cognición