Procesos de apropiación del espacio público en la biblioteca periférica de El Agustino, Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer el proceso de apropiación del espacio en la
Biblioteca Periférica “Marco Fidel Suárez” de El Agustino por parte de los vecinos del distrito,
así como contribuir al modelo dual de apropiación del espacio de Vidal y Pol (2005). En este
modelo, la apropiación del espacio es entendida como “un proceso dialéctico por el cual se
vinculan las personas y los espacios, dentro de un contexto sociocultural, desde los niveles
individual, grupal y comunitario hasta el de la sociedad” (Vidal & Pol, 2005, p. 292). Para
responder a este objetivo se entrevistaron a profundidad a seis adultos con la mayor frecuencia de
uso de la biblioteca, así como tiempo en el distrito. Posteriormente, y de manera complementaria,
se entrevistaron dos niñas y una adolescente. Asimismo, se realizaron 16 horas de observación,
dividas estratégicamente en un día de semana y un día de fin de semana. Como resultado se
encontró que el proceso de apropiación inicia con las personas que llegan a la biblioteca de
acuerdo a lo que requieren en ese momento, con el fin de resolver sus necesidades.
Posteriormente, se da la valorización del espacio de la biblioteca como un lugar agradable,
productivo, seguro y normado, lo cual lleva luego a la identificación con la biblioteca. Luego, esta
identificación se refleja en el nivel de participación que tiene la persona en la biblioteca.
Finalmente, este proceso pasa a un plano comunitario, llevando a que la biblioteca se vuelva parte
del barrio.
The aim of this study was to explore the process of space appropriation that occurs in the Peripheral Library “Marco Fidel Suarez”, of the district El Agustino in Lima Metropolitana, by the neighbors, and to contribute with the dual model of space appropriation of Vidal & Pol (2005). In this model, the space appropriation is understood as a dialectical process by which people and spaces are linked, within a sociocultural context, in individual, group, community and society levels” (Vidal & Pol, 2005, p.292). To achieve this purpose, six adults with the more frequent use of the library and the largest amount of years living in the district were interviewed. Subsequently, and in a complementary manner, two girls and one adolescent were interviewed. Likewise, 16 hours of observation were made, strategically divided in a week day and a weekend. As a result, it was found that the process starts with the people who arrive at the library according to what they require at that moment in order to satisfy their needs. Next in the process, the library is valued as a pleasant, productive, safe and regulated place, this leads to identification with the library. The identification generated is subsequently reflected in the level of participation that the person has in the library. Finally, this process goes to a communitarian level that lead the library to become part of the neighborhood.
The aim of this study was to explore the process of space appropriation that occurs in the Peripheral Library “Marco Fidel Suarez”, of the district El Agustino in Lima Metropolitana, by the neighbors, and to contribute with the dual model of space appropriation of Vidal & Pol (2005). In this model, the space appropriation is understood as a dialectical process by which people and spaces are linked, within a sociocultural context, in individual, group, community and society levels” (Vidal & Pol, 2005, p.292). To achieve this purpose, six adults with the more frequent use of the library and the largest amount of years living in the district were interviewed. Subsequently, and in a complementary manner, two girls and one adolescent were interviewed. Likewise, 16 hours of observation were made, strategically divided in a week day and a weekend. As a result, it was found that the process starts with the people who arrive at the library according to what they require at that moment in order to satisfy their needs. Next in the process, the library is valued as a pleasant, productive, safe and regulated place, this leads to identification with the library. The identification generated is subsequently reflected in the level of participation that the person has in the library. Finally, this process goes to a communitarian level that lead the library to become part of the neighborhood.
Bibliotecas públicas--Aspectos psicológicos, Bibliotecas públicas--Perú--El Agustino (Lima : Distrito), Espacio público--Perú
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