Valorización de las empresas: Visa Inc. y Mastercard Inc.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación llevó a cabo la valorización de dos empresas
estadounidenses: Visa Incorporated y Mastercard Incorporated (en adelante “Visa” y
“Mastercard”, respectivamente). Para realizar las valorizaciones se tuvo en consideración la
situación macroeconómica, las apreciaciones de especialistas enmarcadas en las cambiantes
circunstancias del entorno global como consecuencia de la crisis sanitaria por la COVID-19, la
estructura y tamaño del mercado global de las empresas procesadoras de pago. Además, se
analizó los principales factores internos de ambas empresas con el principal objetivo de
identificar fortalezas y situaciones en el sector que pudiesen impactar en los flujos generados por
estas empresas. Para la valorización efectuada se aplicó el método del flujo de caja descontado
para determinar el valor fundamental, porque este método refleja de manera apropiada las
expectativas de crecimiento y de creación de valor de las entidades evaluadas en el largo plazo.
Los flujos de caja esperados resultantes se descontaron a la tasa promedio ponderado de capital
(en adelante WACC), donde el WACC se calcula utilizando el modelo CAPM. De esta manera,
al cierre de 2022, se obtuvieron los valores fundamentales de 577,700 millones de dólares para
Visa lo que determinó un valor de acción de 271.49 dólares por acción, frente a una cotización
bursátil de 241.64 dólares por acción lo que refleja que la acción de Visa esta subvalorada en
12.35%. Sobre esta evaluación podemos recomendar mantener una posición larga en este activo.
De la misma manera, se obtuvo un valor fundamental de 413,033 millones de dólares para
Mastercard lo que determinó un valor de acción de 419.44 dólares frente a una cotización
bursátil de 389.70 dólares por acción, lo que refleja que la acción de Mastercard esta subvalorada
en 7.63%. De la misma manera que en caso anterior, recomendamos tomar una posición larga en
este activo.
This research conducts the valuation of two American companies: Visa Incorporated and Mastercard Incorporated (hereinafter "Visa" and "Mastercard", respectively), is carried out. The valuations consider the macroeconomic situation, expert opinions framed by the changing global environment because of the COVID-19 health crisis, the structure and size of the global market for payment processing companies have been taken into consideration. In addition, the internal factors of both companies are analyzed with the objective of identifying strengths and situations in the sector that could impact the cash flows generated by these companies. The discounted cash flow method was applied to determine the fundamental value, as this method appropriately reflects the growth and value creation expectations of the evaluated entities in the long term. The resulting expected cash flows were discounted at the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), where the WACC is calculated using the CAPM model. In this way, at the end of Fiscal Year 2022, fundamental values of $577.700 million were obtained for Visa, which determined a share value of $271.49 per share, compared to a market price of $241.64 per share, which reflects that Visa's share is undervalued by 12.35%. Based on this evaluation, we can recommend maintaining a long position in this asset. In the same way, a fundamental value of $413.033 million was obtained for Mastercard, which determined a share value of $419.44 compared to a market price of $389.70 per share, which reflects that Mastercard's share is undervalued by 7.63%. In the same way as in the previous case, we recommend taking a long position in this asset.
This research conducts the valuation of two American companies: Visa Incorporated and Mastercard Incorporated (hereinafter "Visa" and "Mastercard", respectively), is carried out. The valuations consider the macroeconomic situation, expert opinions framed by the changing global environment because of the COVID-19 health crisis, the structure and size of the global market for payment processing companies have been taken into consideration. In addition, the internal factors of both companies are analyzed with the objective of identifying strengths and situations in the sector that could impact the cash flows generated by these companies. The discounted cash flow method was applied to determine the fundamental value, as this method appropriately reflects the growth and value creation expectations of the evaluated entities in the long term. The resulting expected cash flows were discounted at the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), where the WACC is calculated using the CAPM model. In this way, at the end of Fiscal Year 2022, fundamental values of $577.700 million were obtained for Visa, which determined a share value of $271.49 per share, compared to a market price of $241.64 per share, which reflects that Visa's share is undervalued by 12.35%. Based on this evaluation, we can recommend maintaining a long position in this asset. In the same way, a fundamental value of $413.033 million was obtained for Mastercard, which determined a share value of $419.44 compared to a market price of $389.70 per share, which reflects that Mastercard's share is undervalued by 7.63%. In the same way as in the previous case, we recommend taking a long position in this asset.
Empresas--Valoración, Tarjetas de crédito--Perú
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