Sello Cevisano para enfrentar la reducida cobertura del servicio de habilitación sanitaria desarrollado por el Organismo Nacional de Sanidad Pesquera (SANIPES) a nivel nacional entre los años 2017-2019
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
Este estudio propone una sugerencia de proyecto innovador en relación al proceso
misional del SANIPES "Gestión de autorizaciones, registros y certificaciones sanitarias".
El concepto apunta a fortalecer los incentivos de los administrados de SANIPES para la
certificación sanitaria a través del sello Cevisano, que será un distintivo en los
restaurantes de pescados y mariscos de Lima Metropolitana. Estos establecimientos
venderán productos provenientes de embarcaciones pesqueras autorizadas, garantizando
que los productos utilizados cumplan con las normas sanitarias vigentes y, en
consecuencia, preserven la salud de la población.
Un estudio de fuentes bibliográficas sobre la inocuidad alimentaria y las causas
que generan los pocos incentivos a habilitarse por parte de los administrados, gestión
institucional y marcos normativos sirvió de base a la técnica de investigación. Además,
se realizaron entrevistas a profundidad a los principales actores del sector pesquero con
distintos conocimientos de gestión. También, se identificaron cinco principales causas al
problema y se documentaron experiencias vinculadas con la promoción de incentivos a
los administrados en relación con las normas estatales. Es así que el prototipo de
innovación surge como sugerencia de cambio creativo que elevaría gradualmente los
incentivos para fomentar la habilitación sanitaria.
Con la implementación de la propuesta en mención se podría aportar
sustancialmente al logro de los objetivos misionales y funcionales de dos entidades
públicas: SANIPES y PRODUCE, además de ofrecer productos pesqueros de calidad a
la población y generar mayores ingresos para los pescadores artesanales que son en gran
medida un sector desfavorecido en nuestro País. En ese sentido finalmente se presenta la
viabilidad respecto a la implementación de la propuesta mencionada.
This study proposes an innovative project suggestion in relation to the SANIPES mission process "Management of authorizations, registrations and sanitary certifications". The concept aims to strengthen SANIPES managers' incentives for hygienic certification through the Cevisano seal, which will be a hallmark in fish and seafood restaurants in Metropolitan Lima. These establishments will sell products from authorized fishing vessels, guaranteeing that the products used comply with current sanitary standards and, consequently, preserve the health of the population. A study of bibliographic sources on food safety and the causes that generate the few incentives to qualify on the part of those administered, institutional management and regulatory frameworks served as the basis for the research technique. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with the main actors in the fishing sector with different management skills. Also, five main causes of the problem were identified and experiences related to the promotion of incentives to stakeholders in relation to state regulations were documented. Thus, the innovation prototype emerges as a suggestion for creative change that would gradually raise incentives to promote sanitary clearance. With the implementation of the mentioned proposal, it could substantially contribute to the achievement of the mission and functional objectives of two public institutions: SANIPES and PRODUCE, in addition to offering quality fishery products to the population and generating greater income for artisanal fishermen, who are to a great extent a disadvantaged sector in our country. In this sense, we finally present the review regarding the implementation of the aforementioned proposal.
This study proposes an innovative project suggestion in relation to the SANIPES mission process "Management of authorizations, registrations and sanitary certifications". The concept aims to strengthen SANIPES managers' incentives for hygienic certification through the Cevisano seal, which will be a hallmark in fish and seafood restaurants in Metropolitan Lima. These establishments will sell products from authorized fishing vessels, guaranteeing that the products used comply with current sanitary standards and, consequently, preserve the health of the population. A study of bibliographic sources on food safety and the causes that generate the few incentives to qualify on the part of those administered, institutional management and regulatory frameworks served as the basis for the research technique. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with the main actors in the fishing sector with different management skills. Also, five main causes of the problem were identified and experiences related to the promotion of incentives to stakeholders in relation to state regulations were documented. Thus, the innovation prototype emerges as a suggestion for creative change that would gradually raise incentives to promote sanitary clearance. With the implementation of the mentioned proposal, it could substantially contribute to the achievement of the mission and functional objectives of two public institutions: SANIPES and PRODUCE, in addition to offering quality fishery products to the population and generating greater income for artisanal fishermen, who are to a great extent a disadvantaged sector in our country. In this sense, we finally present the review regarding the implementation of the aforementioned proposal.
Organismo Nacional de Sanidad Pesquera (Perú), Industria pesquera--Perú, Restaurantes--Certificación--Perú--Lima Metropolitana