Capacidad de carga como herramienta de manejo de impactos de actividades turísticas para una gestión integral de zonas marino costeras en la caleta el Ñuro, Talara, Piura
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Históricamente, las zonas costeras han sido intensamente ocupadas; sin embargo, en las
últimas décadas, las actividades antrópicas han impactado negativamente en estas zonas,
degradando los servicios ecosistémicos que brinda. Entre estas actividades se encuentra el
turismo de mar y playa, considerado como una de las áreas de turismo de mayor
crecimiento hasta antes de la covid-19. A menos que el turismo sea planificado, puede
causar más daño al ambiente y a las poblaciones locales, degradando los ecosistemas o
incrementando desigualdades. Así, el objetivo de esta investigación es determinar la
capacidad de carga de la actividad turística en la caleta El Ñuro con el fin de aportar a los
lineamientos básicos para una gestión local de manera que se desarrolle un turismo
sostenible que no comprometa ni degrade el medio natural marino-costero y genere
ingresos y mejore la calidad de vida de la población local. Considerando la deficiente
planificación inicial y la alta estacionalidad de la afluencia de turistas, se esperaba
encontrar una sobrecarga del espacio turístico. La Capacidad de Carga se presenta como
una abstracción de la realidad que permite aportar a la planificación del territorio. Para
estimar la Capacidad de Carga del turismo en El Ñuro, se empleó la metodología de
Cifuentes et al. (1999). Con este fin, es necesario conocer los detalles de la actividad
turística y en base a ello, definir factores de corrección y la capacidad de manejo. Gracias a
esta metodología, se confirma la sobrecarga del espacio turístico durante la temporada
alta, aunque esta también podría ser causada por un limitado apoyo de las autoridades
locales. Los factores más limitantes corresponden al conflicto del turismo con la pesca
artesanal, y a la temporada de anidación de la especie C. mydas. Los resultados aportan a
la toma de decisiones, priorizando acciones de gestión en El Ñuro.
Historically, coastal zones have been intensely occupied; however, in recent decades, anthropic activities have harmed these zones, degrading the ecosystem services they provide. Among these activities, we find beach tourism, considered one of the fastestgrowing tourism areas until before covid-19. Unless tourism is planned, it can cause more damage to the environment and local populations, degrading ecosystems or increasing inequalities. Thus, the objective of this research is to determine the carrying capacity of the tourism activity in El Ñuro to contribute to the basic guidelines for local management to develop sustainable tourism that does not compromise or degrade the marine-coastal natural environment and generates income and improves the quality of life of the local population. Considering the deficient initial planning and the high seasonality influx of tourists, it was expected to find an overcharge in of the touristic areas. The Carrying Capacity is presented as an abstraction of the reality that helps to define the planning of the territory. To estimate the touristic carrying capacity in El Ñuro, the methodology of Cifuentes et al. (1999) was used. To this end, it is necessary to know the details of the tourism activity and, based on this, define correction factors and management capacity. Thanks to this methodology, the overcharge of the touristic areas during the high season is confirmed, although this could also be caused by limited support from local authorities. The most limiting factors correspond to the conflict between tourism with artisanal fishing, and the nesting season of the C. mydas species. The results contribute to decision-making, prioritizing management actions in El Ñuro.
Historically, coastal zones have been intensely occupied; however, in recent decades, anthropic activities have harmed these zones, degrading the ecosystem services they provide. Among these activities, we find beach tourism, considered one of the fastestgrowing tourism areas until before covid-19. Unless tourism is planned, it can cause more damage to the environment and local populations, degrading ecosystems or increasing inequalities. Thus, the objective of this research is to determine the carrying capacity of the tourism activity in El Ñuro to contribute to the basic guidelines for local management to develop sustainable tourism that does not compromise or degrade the marine-coastal natural environment and generates income and improves the quality of life of the local population. Considering the deficient initial planning and the high seasonality influx of tourists, it was expected to find an overcharge in of the touristic areas. The Carrying Capacity is presented as an abstraction of the reality that helps to define the planning of the territory. To estimate the touristic carrying capacity in El Ñuro, the methodology of Cifuentes et al. (1999) was used. To this end, it is necessary to know the details of the tourism activity and, based on this, define correction factors and management capacity. Thanks to this methodology, the overcharge of the touristic areas during the high season is confirmed, although this could also be caused by limited support from local authorities. The most limiting factors correspond to the conflict between tourism with artisanal fishing, and the nesting season of the C. mydas species. The results contribute to decision-making, prioritizing management actions in El Ñuro.
Turismo--Aspectos ambientales--Perú--Piura, Ecosistemas--Administración--Perú--Piura, Medio ambiente--Protección--Perú--Piura, Talara (Piura : Provincia)--Aspectos ambientales
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