Coopetition como Estrategia para potenciar la Innovación: Un Estudio en los Consorcios y Fab Labs de las Universidades Peruanas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La coopetition implica relaciones estratégicas entre empresas o instituciones
que compiten y cooperan simultáneamente en diferentes áreas para enfrentar
incertidumbres y explorar oportunidades para así obtener un mejor acceso a recursos
específicos que no alcanzarían individualmente. Al igual que las empresas, las
universidades también compiten por recursos (profesores, estudiantes,
financiamiento, prestigio) y cooperan en educación, investigación y actividades para
estimular la innovación y el espíritu empresarial. En consecuencia, el objetivo de la
investigación fue analizar si la estrategia de la coopetition aplicada en los consorcios
y en la red de Fab Labs de las universidades peruanas, afectaron la gestión del
conocimiento y su participación en la innovación tecnológica. Para lograr este
objetivo, fue propuesto un modelo explicativo de relación de variables usando el
modelamiento de ecuaciones estructurales. Se diseñó un instrumento de 38 ítems
que se aplicó a colaboradores de los consorcios y Fab Labs de las universidades del
Perú. Los resultados confirman las relaciones positivas y significativas de las
dimensiones de coopetition en la gestión del conocimiento, y a su vez, de esta última
en la innovación tecnológica. Estos hallazgos son útiles para comprender el impacto
de la estrategia de coopetition en el proceso de aplicación, generación y obtención
del conocimiento necesario para la innovación tecnológica; siendo estos resultados
relevantes para el fortalecimiento de las alianzas estratégicas entre las universidades
del Perú, derivando esto en un impacto en la innovación y en el desarrollo tecnológico
del país.
Coopetition involves strategic relationships between companies or institutions that simultaneously compete and cooperate in different areas to address uncertainties and explore opportunities, thereby gaining better access to specific resources that they would not achieve individually. Just like companies, universities also compete for resources (faculty, students, funding, prestige) and cooperate in education, research, and activities to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship. As a result, the objective of the research was to analyze whether the strategy of coopetition applied in the consortiums and Fab Labs network of Peruvian universities affected knowledge management and their involvement in technological innovation. To achieve this goal, an explanatory model of variable relationships was proposed using structural equation modeling. A 59-item instrument was designed and applied to the workers of the consortiums and Fab Labs of Peruvian universities. The results confirm positive and significant relationships between coopetition dimensions in knowledge management and, in turn, the latter with technological innovation. These findings are useful for understanding the impact of coopetition strategy on the process of applying, generating, and obtaining knowledge necessary for technological innovation. They are particularly relevant for strengthening strategic alliances among universities in Peru, resulting in an impact on innovation and technological development in the country.
Coopetition involves strategic relationships between companies or institutions that simultaneously compete and cooperate in different areas to address uncertainties and explore opportunities, thereby gaining better access to specific resources that they would not achieve individually. Just like companies, universities also compete for resources (faculty, students, funding, prestige) and cooperate in education, research, and activities to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship. As a result, the objective of the research was to analyze whether the strategy of coopetition applied in the consortiums and Fab Labs network of Peruvian universities affected knowledge management and their involvement in technological innovation. To achieve this goal, an explanatory model of variable relationships was proposed using structural equation modeling. A 59-item instrument was designed and applied to the workers of the consortiums and Fab Labs of Peruvian universities. The results confirm positive and significant relationships between coopetition dimensions in knowledge management and, in turn, the latter with technological innovation. These findings are useful for understanding the impact of coopetition strategy on the process of applying, generating, and obtaining knowledge necessary for technological innovation. They are particularly relevant for strengthening strategic alliances among universities in Peru, resulting in an impact on innovation and technological development in the country.
Gestión educativa--Perú, Educación superior--Cooperación, Consorcio de Universidades, Universidades--Administración--Perú
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