Aportes de las herramientas y recursos educativos digitales en el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico, en el marco de la educación a distancia, en el tercer grado de primaria de una institución educativa pública
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en el contexto de la educación a distancia
ha significado un reto fundamental para los docentes. Sin embargo, son pocas
las herramientas y recursos educativos que permiten y aportan en su desarrollo.
Además, la fundamentación teórica se sustenta en la propuesta de Bloom para
el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico. Ante ello, es necesario conocer los aportes
de las herramientas y recursos educativos que aportan en el desarrollo del
pensamiento crítico. En este sentido, el presente estudio explica los aportes de
los recursos y herramientas que aportan en el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico.
La presente investigación es de carácter cualitativo y de nivel descriptivo. Se
estableció el método de estudio de caso; debido a las características de la
docente y los estudiantes participantes para un análisis de mayor profundidad.
Asimismo, se propone el diseño de instrumentos que analicen el caso planteado
de manera integral, como las entrevistas, grupo focal y cuestionarios, aplicados
bajo principios de ética. Los resultados evidencian que las herramientas
tecnológicas funcionan como soporte para el empleo de recursos educativos
digitales y que su coexistencia aporta y facilita el desarrollo del pensamiento
crítico en los estudiantes. Asimismo, posibilitan un acercamiento al acceso a los
contenidos y que se desarrolle el pensamiento reflexivo, necesario para
desarrollar el pensamiento crítico en los estudiantes. Además, los estudiantes
desarrollan aspectos como la comprensión, el dialogo y los juicios de valor a
partir del uso de herramientas y recursos educativos. Finalmente, se
recomiendan implementar más herramientas tecnológicas y recursos educativos
digitales que faciliten el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en los estudiantes.
The development of critical thinking in the context of distance education has been a major challenge for teachers. However, there are few educational tools and resources that allow and contribute to the development of critical thinking. Likewise, the theoretical foundation is based on Bloom's proposal for the development of critical thinking. Therefore, it is necessary to know the contributions of the educational tools and resources that they provide in the development of critical thinking. In this sense, this study explains the contributions of the resources and tools that they provide in the development of critical thinking. The present research is of a qualitative nature and of a descriptive level. The case study method was established, due to the characteristics of the participating teachers and students. for a more in-depth analysis. Likewise, the design of instruments that analyse the case raised in a comprehensive way is proposed, such as interviews, focus groups and questionnaires, applied under ethical principles. The results show that the technological tools work as a support for the use of digital educational resources and that their coexistence contributes to and facilitates the development of critical thinking in students. Likewise, the educational tools and resources enable an approach to the access to the contents and the development of the reflexive thinking, necessary to develop the critical thinking in the students. In addition, students develop aspects such as understanding, dialogue and value judgments through the use of educational tools and resources. Finally, it is recommended to implement more technological tools and digital educational resources that facilitate the development of critical thinking in students.
The development of critical thinking in the context of distance education has been a major challenge for teachers. However, there are few educational tools and resources that allow and contribute to the development of critical thinking. Likewise, the theoretical foundation is based on Bloom's proposal for the development of critical thinking. Therefore, it is necessary to know the contributions of the educational tools and resources that they provide in the development of critical thinking. In this sense, this study explains the contributions of the resources and tools that they provide in the development of critical thinking. The present research is of a qualitative nature and of a descriptive level. The case study method was established, due to the characteristics of the participating teachers and students. for a more in-depth analysis. Likewise, the design of instruments that analyse the case raised in a comprehensive way is proposed, such as interviews, focus groups and questionnaires, applied under ethical principles. The results show that the technological tools work as a support for the use of digital educational resources and that their coexistence contributes to and facilitates the development of critical thinking in students. Likewise, the educational tools and resources enable an approach to the access to the contents and the development of the reflexive thinking, necessary to develop the critical thinking in the students. In addition, students develop aspects such as understanding, dialogue and value judgments through the use of educational tools and resources. Finally, it is recommended to implement more technological tools and digital educational resources that facilitate the development of critical thinking in students.
Tecnología educativa, Educación primaria--Enseñanza, Pensamiento crítico--Estudio y enseñanza
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