Replanteando los límites del arbitraje: Un estudio de la excepción de caducidad
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Esta investigación tiene como propósito explorar los desafíos que enfrenta el
arbitraje peruano al autorizar la revisión judicial de la excepción de caducidad.
Siendo que el arbitraje ha sido diseñado como un mecanismo alterno y efectivo
para resolver disputas, debe mantener su independencia para salvaguardar su
celeridad y definitividad en sus decisiones. No obstante, la facultad de que los
jueces intervengan después de emitido el laudo arbitral afecta este objetivo,
mermando los principios de separabilidad y competence - competence, que son
esenciales en este sistema.
A través de un análisis comparativo de nuestros sistemas con legislaciones
internacionales, se evidencia que restringir la revisión judicial de decisiones
arbitrales refuerza la seguridad jurídica y fomenta la confianza en el arbitraje. Los
países que se analizarán delimitan la intervención del fuero judicial a aspectos
netamente procedimentales o de orden público, resguardando la independencia
del fuero arbitral. A diferencia del sistema peruano, que permite que las
excepciones puedan ser materia de impugnación de las demandas de nulidad.
Se propone una modificación del artículo 41.4 de la Ley de Arbitraje para impedir
que la excepción de caducidad sea revisada por los jueces después del fallo
arbitral. Dicha reforma tiene como propósito reforzar la autoridad exclusiva del
colegiado arbitral, acatando la voluntad de las partes y aminorando la carga
judicial. De este modo, el arbitraje peruano puede establecerse como un recurso
confiable, eficiente y autónomo para la resolución de conflictos, adaptándose a
las necesidades de un entorno jurídico contemporáneo.
This research aims to explore the challenges faced by Peruvian arbitration in allowing judicial review of the lapse of claim defense. Since arbitration has been designed as an alternative and effective mechanism for resolving disputes, it must maintain its independence to safeguard its speed and definitiveness in its decisions. However, the authority for judges to intervene after the issuance of the arbitral award affects this objective, undermining the principles of separability and competence-competence, which are essential in this system. Through a comparative analysis of our system with international legislations, it is evident that restricting judicial review of arbitral decisions reinforces legal certainty and fosters trust in arbitration. The countries to be analyzed limit judicial intervention to strictly procedural or public order aspects, safeguarding the independence of the arbitral forum. This contrasts with the Peruvian system, which allows exceptions to be subject to challenges in annulment claims. A modification of Article 41.4 of the Arbitration Law is proposed to prevent the statute of limitations exception from being reviewed by judges after the arbitral ruling. This reform aims to reinforce the exclusive authority of the arbitral panel, respecting the will of the parties and reducing the judicial burden. In this way, Peruvian arbitration can establish itself as a reliable, efficient, and autonomous resource for conflict resolution, adapting to the needs of a contemporary legal environment.
This research aims to explore the challenges faced by Peruvian arbitration in allowing judicial review of the lapse of claim defense. Since arbitration has been designed as an alternative and effective mechanism for resolving disputes, it must maintain its independence to safeguard its speed and definitiveness in its decisions. However, the authority for judges to intervene after the issuance of the arbitral award affects this objective, undermining the principles of separability and competence-competence, which are essential in this system. Through a comparative analysis of our system with international legislations, it is evident that restricting judicial review of arbitral decisions reinforces legal certainty and fosters trust in arbitration. The countries to be analyzed limit judicial intervention to strictly procedural or public order aspects, safeguarding the independence of the arbitral forum. This contrasts with the Peruvian system, which allows exceptions to be subject to challenges in annulment claims. A modification of Article 41.4 of the Arbitration Law is proposed to prevent the statute of limitations exception from being reviewed by judges after the arbitral ruling. This reform aims to reinforce the exclusive authority of the arbitral panel, respecting the will of the parties and reducing the judicial burden. In this way, Peruvian arbitration can establish itself as a reliable, efficient, and autonomous resource for conflict resolution, adapting to the needs of a contemporary legal environment.
Arbitraje y laudo--Perú, Excepciones legales--Perú, Nulidad (Derecho)--Perú, Competencia (Derecho)--Perú
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