El uso del gesto y el movimiento cotidiano para facilitar una relación entre el espectador y la danza contemporánea : estudio de la obra Quita Pesar dirigida por Ana Chung
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Esta investigación trata sobre el uso del gesto y el movimiento cotidiano como vínculo
para generar una relación entre el espectador y la danza contemporánea. Para lograr tal
propósito, se analizó la obra de danza contemporánea Quita pesar, dirigida por Ana
Chung y estrenada en el 2018, la cual aborda el uso de las acciones cotidianas con el
objetivo de crear reflexión sobre el cuerpo y la comunicación que el movimiento puede
generar en las personas. Asimismo, se tomaron como principales referentes a la
coreógrafa Pina Bausch y el colectivo de danza post moderna Judson Dance Church, ya
que ambos sirvieron para indagar la causa de la aparición del gesto y el movimiento
cotidiano en la danza, su historia y evolución. Como material de análisis se realizó un
trabajo de campo donde se estudió cada función realizada, la opinión de los espectadores
y se llevaron a cabo entrevistas a los intérpretes con el objetivo de demostrar si existe la
posibilidad de generar una relación de cercanía entre el espectador y la danza
contemporánea mediante el uso del gesto y el movimiento cotidiano.
This research is concerned by the use of gestures and daily movements as a link to generate a relationship between the audience and contemporary dance. As an object of study, the work of contemporary dance Quita Pesar was analyzed. Directed by Ana Chung and launched in 2018, the play addresses the use of daily actions with the aim of creating a reflection on the body and communication that the movement might generate in the audience. As main references we consider the choreographer Pina Bausch and the postmodern dance collective Judson Dance Church, both were utilized to investigate the cause of the appearance of the gesture and the daily movement in dance, its history and evolution. As an analysis material, field work was carried out. We studied each performance, opinions of the spectators and interviews with the interpreters, with the aim of demonstrating whether there is a possibility to generate a close relationship between the audience and contemporary dance through the use of gestures and everyday movements.
This research is concerned by the use of gestures and daily movements as a link to generate a relationship between the audience and contemporary dance. As an object of study, the work of contemporary dance Quita Pesar was analyzed. Directed by Ana Chung and launched in 2018, the play addresses the use of daily actions with the aim of creating a reflection on the body and communication that the movement might generate in the audience. As main references we consider the choreographer Pina Bausch and the postmodern dance collective Judson Dance Church, both were utilized to investigate the cause of the appearance of the gesture and the daily movement in dance, its history and evolution. As an analysis material, field work was carried out. We studied each performance, opinions of the spectators and interviews with the interpreters, with the aim of demonstrating whether there is a possibility to generate a close relationship between the audience and contemporary dance through the use of gestures and everyday movements.
Expresión Corporal, Movimiento (Actuación teatral), Danza moderna--Aspectos psicológicos
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