Atribuciones del mantenimiento de la relación de pareja a largo plazo en hombres de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las relaciones de pareja reflejan diversas experiencias y desafíos en conjunto. Se rigen por
una serie de principios, dentro de los cuales, se encuentra el mantenimiento. El mantenimiento
de la relación de pareja a largo plazo y, en específico, a qué se atribuye ha sido un fenómeno
poco abordado por la comunidad científica. A esto se añade que, según la literatura, los
hombres adultos consideran a sus cónyuges o parejas como figuras principales de apoyo y
conexión emocional, lo que evidencia el valor significativo de la relación de pareja para ellos.
Además, culturalmente ellos se encuentran inmersos en la masculinidad y sus estereotipos,
por lo cual, resulta oportuno conocer su perspectiva acerca del mantenimiento de su relación
de pareja a largo plazo, desde una mirada lejana de prejuicios, y con apertura. De este modo,
el presente estudio con metodología cualitativa buscó conocer a qué atribuyen los hombres el
mantenimiento de su relación de pareja a largo plazo en Lima Metropolitana. Así, participaron
7 hombres adultos de los niveles socioeconómicos C y D que tenían al menos 20 años de
relación de pareja estable. Entre los hallazgos se encontraron el amor, la admiración, la
comprensión, la confianza, entre otros, lo cual corrobora estudios previos. La principal
atribución hallada fue el amor. Finalmente, se recomienda realizar nuevas investigaciones a
nivel nacional, a fin de escudriñar la influencia de aspectos culturales como la masculinidad.
También, se sugiere la posibilidad de diseñar intervenciones enfocadas en relaciones de pareja
duraderas y saludables
Couple relationships reflect diverse experiences and challenges together. They are governed by a series of principles, among which is maintenance. The maintenance of the long-term relationship and, specifically, what it is attributed to has been a phenomenon little addressed by the scientific community. To this must be added that, according to the literature, adult men consider their spouses or partners as main figures of support and emotional connection, which shows the significant value of the couple relationship for them. In addition, culturally they are immersed in masculinity and its stereotypes, therefore, it is appropriate to know their perspective on maintaining their long-term relationship, from a distant view of prejudices and with openness. In this way, the present study with qualitative methodology sought to know what men attribute to the maintenance of their long-term relationship in Metropolitan Lima. Thus, 7 adult men from socioeconomic levels C and D who had at least 20 years of stable relationship participated. Among the findings are love, admiration, understanding, trust, among others, which corroborates previous studies. The main attribution found is love. Finally, it is recommended to carry out new research at the national level, in order to scrutinize the influence of cultural aspects such as masculinity. Also, the possibility of designing interventions focused on lasting and healthy couple relationships is suggested.
Couple relationships reflect diverse experiences and challenges together. They are governed by a series of principles, among which is maintenance. The maintenance of the long-term relationship and, specifically, what it is attributed to has been a phenomenon little addressed by the scientific community. To this must be added that, according to the literature, adult men consider their spouses or partners as main figures of support and emotional connection, which shows the significant value of the couple relationship for them. In addition, culturally they are immersed in masculinity and its stereotypes, therefore, it is appropriate to know their perspective on maintaining their long-term relationship, from a distant view of prejudices and with openness. In this way, the present study with qualitative methodology sought to know what men attribute to the maintenance of their long-term relationship in Metropolitan Lima. Thus, 7 adult men from socioeconomic levels C and D who had at least 20 years of stable relationship participated. Among the findings are love, admiration, understanding, trust, among others, which corroborates previous studies. The main attribution found is love. Finally, it is recommended to carry out new research at the national level, in order to scrutinize the influence of cultural aspects such as masculinity. Also, the possibility of designing interventions focused on lasting and healthy couple relationships is suggested.
Relaciones de pareja--Aspectos psicológicos, Masculinidad (Psicología), Hombres--Perú--Lima Metropolitana--Aspectos psicológicos
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