Publicidad inclusiva y posicionamiento social de marca: análisis de la percepción de las piezas audiovisuales de Babysec Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Esta investigación se centra en la publicidad inclusiva y el posicionamiento social de marca;
para ello, se analiza la percepción de las piezas audiovisuales de “Babysec Perú”. Esta
investigación es relevante debido a la falta de estudios sobre la publicidad como herramienta de
El objetivo es determinar la manera en que el posicionamiento de la marca se produce entre
madres y padres con y sin hijos con síndrome de Down, a través de la pieza audiovisual de
Se utiliza una metodología cualitativa, que consiste en entrevistas a profundidad a 7 padres y
madres de familia que tengan hijos con síndrome de Down, no mayores a los 6 años de edad, y
un grupo focal con padres y madres de familia que tengan hijos sin dicha discapacidad, no
mayores a los 4 años de edad. Además, se analiza a profundidad el contenido del spot, utilizando
para ello la pirámide de Freytag.
Los principales hallazgos son las madres de familia, como grupo objetivo de la marca, quienes
presentan un mayor involucramiento en la integración de sus hijos que los padres. Ambos grupos
de madres se emocionan al ver el comercial, y les permiten recordar a la marca por su acción.
Además, reconocen el uso de una estrategia de marketing, la que consideran positiva ya que la
marca apoya a este grupo vulnerable.
Finalmente, la acción genera una compra asertiva en toda la línea Babysec por ambos grupos,
ya que consideran que hacen un “apoyo social” que contribuye a la inserción laboral y social.
This research focuses on inclusive advertising and social brand positioning; thus, the perception of the audiovisual pieces of "Babysec Peru" is analyzed. This research is relevant due to the lack of studies on advertising as an inclusion tool. The objective is to determine the way in which the positioning of the brand occurs among mothers and fathers with and without children with Down syndrome, through the Babysec audiovisual piece. A qualitative methodology is used, consisting of in-depth interviews with 7 fathers and mothers of families who have children with Down syndrome, not older than 6 years of age, and a focus group with fathers and mothers of families who have children without said disability, not older than 4 years of age. In addition, the content of the spot is analyzed in depth, using the Freytag Pyramid. The main findings are the mothers, as a target group of the brand; they present a greater involvement in the integration of their children than the fathers. Both groups of mothers get emotional when they see the commercial, and it allows them to remember the brand for their action. In addition, they recognize the use of a marketing strategy, which they consider positive since the brand supports this vulnerable group. Finally, the action generates an assertive purchase of the entire Babysec line by both groups, since they consider that they provide "social support" that contributes to labor and social insertion.
This research focuses on inclusive advertising and social brand positioning; thus, the perception of the audiovisual pieces of "Babysec Peru" is analyzed. This research is relevant due to the lack of studies on advertising as an inclusion tool. The objective is to determine the way in which the positioning of the brand occurs among mothers and fathers with and without children with Down syndrome, through the Babysec audiovisual piece. A qualitative methodology is used, consisting of in-depth interviews with 7 fathers and mothers of families who have children with Down syndrome, not older than 6 years of age, and a focus group with fathers and mothers of families who have children without said disability, not older than 4 years of age. In addition, the content of the spot is analyzed in depth, using the Freytag Pyramid. The main findings are the mothers, as a target group of the brand; they present a greater involvement in the integration of their children than the fathers. Both groups of mothers get emotional when they see the commercial, and it allows them to remember the brand for their action. In addition, they recognize the use of a marketing strategy, which they consider positive since the brand supports this vulnerable group. Finally, the action generates an assertive purchase of the entire Babysec line by both groups, since they consider that they provide "social support" that contributes to labor and social insertion.
Inclusión social, Síndrome de Down, Campañas publicitarias
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