Propiedades psicométricas de la escala Caregivers Eating Messages Scale en estudiantes universitarios de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente estudio adaptó y analizó las propiedades psicométricas de la escala
Caregivers Eating Messages Scale (CEMS) en una muestra de 415 estudiantes
universitarios de 16 a 24 años (M=19.19; DE=2.08). La CEMS mide la cantidad y tipo
de mensajes negativos sobre alimentación que se reciben durante la niñez de parte de los
padres y pares. La escala fue traducida, revisada por jueces expertos, piloteada y luego
aplicada a la muestra. Se realizó un análisis factorial usando el método de Factorización
de ejes principales y rotación Varimax que arrojó dos factores que comparten el 51% de
la varianza: Mensajes de Restricción (MR) y Obligatoriedad de Consumo (MO).
Además, se evidenció una satisfactoria confiabilidad por consistencia interna para
ambas áreas (α=.84 para MR y α=.82 para MO). Asimismo, se obtuvo adecuadas
evidencias de validez discriminante. Se encontraron correlaciones significativas entre el
área MR y la IES-2 (r=-.31), la EAT-26 (r=.23) y la BAS (r=-.30); mientras que en el
área MO sólo se encontraron correlaciones significativas con la subescala de Confianza
en las señales de hambre y saciedad de la IES-2 (r=.12). Por último, se encontraron
buenas evidencias de validez de criterio concurrente al apreciarse que los puntajes del
área MR son capaces de discriminar a los participantes de acuerdo al IMC y al reporte
de TCA. En conclusión, la versión en español de la CEMS presenta buenas propiedades
psicométricas; por lo tanto, puede ser utilizada en futuras investigaciones con
estudiantes universitarios.
The present study adapted and validated the Caregiver Eating Messages Scale (CEMS) in a sample of 415 university students aged 16 to 24 years (M=19.19; DE=2.08). The CEMS measures the amount and type of negative eating messages received during childhood by parents and peers. The scale was translated, reviewed by expert judges, piloted and then applied to the sample. A factorial analysis was carried out using Principal axis factoring and varimax rotation. This analysis yielded two factors that share 51% of the variance: Restrictive (MR) and Pressure to eat messages (MO). In addition, satisfactory internal consistency reliability was demonstrated for both areas (α = .84 for MR and α = .82 for MO). Likewise, adequate evidence of discriminant validity was obtained. Significant correlations were found between MR and IES-2 (r = -31), EAT-26 (r = .23) and BAS (r = -30). For MO only significant correlations were found with IES-2’s subscale Reliance on internal hunger and satiety cues (r = .12). Finally, good evidence of concurrent criterion validity was found. MR scores were able to discriminate participants according to BMI and the report of eating disorders. In conclusion, the Spanish version of the CEMS presents good psychometric properties; therefore, it can be used in future investigations with university students.
The present study adapted and validated the Caregiver Eating Messages Scale (CEMS) in a sample of 415 university students aged 16 to 24 years (M=19.19; DE=2.08). The CEMS measures the amount and type of negative eating messages received during childhood by parents and peers. The scale was translated, reviewed by expert judges, piloted and then applied to the sample. A factorial analysis was carried out using Principal axis factoring and varimax rotation. This analysis yielded two factors that share 51% of the variance: Restrictive (MR) and Pressure to eat messages (MO). In addition, satisfactory internal consistency reliability was demonstrated for both areas (α = .84 for MR and α = .82 for MO). Likewise, adequate evidence of discriminant validity was obtained. Significant correlations were found between MR and IES-2 (r = -31), EAT-26 (r = .23) and BAS (r = -30). For MO only significant correlations were found with IES-2’s subscale Reliance on internal hunger and satiety cues (r = .12). Finally, good evidence of concurrent criterion validity was found. MR scores were able to discriminate participants according to BMI and the report of eating disorders. In conclusion, the Spanish version of the CEMS presents good psychometric properties; therefore, it can be used in future investigations with university students.
Trastornos de la nutrición--Adolescentes, Psicometría (Psicología), Estudiantes universitarios--Investigaciones
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