Informe de prácticas pre profesionales en el área de la psicología educativa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo explicar los logros de aprendizaje y
competencias (diagnóstica, interviene y evalúa) alcanzados durante el periodo de
prácticas preprofesionales en dos centros educativos de Lima Metropolitana. En
este sentido, se identificaron las necesidades de la población a través de las
técnicas correspondientes, teniendo en cuenta la coyuntura compleja de pandemia
global a la que nos enfrentamos, y se propuso, implementó y evaluó una
intervención en habilidades para la vida con el objetivo de que los estudiantes
estén mejor preparados para enfrentar la pandemia y el futuro. Para la fase de
diagnóstico se investigó a la población, se realizó un árbol de problemas y
objetivos y, posteriormente, se elaboró una matriz de marco lógico. Como
resultado se pudo concretar un diagnóstico acotado a las necesidades la población
y tener contacto con entidades significativas en la elaboración de proyectos
educativos. Para la fase de intervención se utilizaron las bases del diseño
instruccional y como resultado se pudo aplicar satisfactoriamente los talleres en
habilidades para la vida planeados. Para la evaluación se empleó el modelo de
Kirkpatrick, así como el recojo de información de manera cualitativa y encuestas
de satisfacción, lo que permitió concretar una evaluación en el contexto complejo
de pandemia. Se concluye que la intervención en habilidades para la vida tuvo un
impacto positivo en los estudiantes y me permitió aplicar las competencias
desarrolladas a lo largo de mi etapa universitaria
The objective of this project is to explain the learning achievements and competencies (diagnosis, intervention and evaluation) reached during the preprofessional practice period in two educational centers in Metropolitan Lima. The needs of the population were identified through according techniques, taking into account the complex situation of the global pandemic we are facing, and an intervention in life skills was proposed, implemented and evaluated with the objective of that students are better prepared to face the pandemic and the future. In the diagnostic phase, the population was studied, a problem tree and objectives were developed, and then a logical structure matrix was elaborated. As a result, it was possible to carry out a diagnosis limited to the needs of the population and to have contact with significant entities in the elaboration of educational projects. For the intervention phase, the bases of the instructional design were used and as a result, the planned life skills workshops could be satisfactorily applied. For the evaluation phase, the Kirkpatrick model was used, as well as the collection of qualitative information and satisfaction surveys, which allowed an evaluation to be carried out in the complex context of the pandemic.. It is concluded that the life skills intervention had a positive impact on the students and allowed me to apply the competencies developed throughout my university studies
The objective of this project is to explain the learning achievements and competencies (diagnosis, intervention and evaluation) reached during the preprofessional practice period in two educational centers in Metropolitan Lima. The needs of the population were identified through according techniques, taking into account the complex situation of the global pandemic we are facing, and an intervention in life skills was proposed, implemented and evaluated with the objective of that students are better prepared to face the pandemic and the future. In the diagnostic phase, the population was studied, a problem tree and objectives were developed, and then a logical structure matrix was elaborated. As a result, it was possible to carry out a diagnosis limited to the needs of the population and to have contact with significant entities in the elaboration of educational projects. For the intervention phase, the bases of the instructional design were used and as a result, the planned life skills workshops could be satisfactorily applied. For the evaluation phase, the Kirkpatrick model was used, as well as the collection of qualitative information and satisfaction surveys, which allowed an evaluation to be carried out in the complex context of the pandemic.. It is concluded that the life skills intervention had a positive impact on the students and allowed me to apply the competencies developed throughout my university studies
Aprendizaje (Educación), Psicología del aprendizaje, Psicología--Prácticas profesionales, Educación primaria
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