Planeamiento estratégico para la industria del café en Colombia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Históricamente, Colombia ha basado su economía en el sector cafetalero. Sin
embargo, las políticas económicas, la balanza comercial y los mercados internacionales, han
adquirido más preponderancia e influencia en las definiciones que se han tomado respecto al
mercado del café de Colombia, por lo tanto, la ecuación del negocio del café, ha cambiado.
Hoy existen más “actores” y variables que antes, sin embargo, la industria no ha modificado
su forma de operar. Aunado a lo anterior, es muy importante tener en cuenta que el país pasa
por un momento coyuntural, en el cual deben tomar decisiones estratégicas en términos de
políticas públicas y de negocio para asegurar la sostenibilidad de la industria del café y la
estabilidad económica de las familias que dependen de este producto.
Es por ello, que este trabajo pretende desarrollar los siguientes puntos fundamentales
en el año 2022: posicionar el café colombiano en mercados asiáticos y europeos, lograr un
crecimiento del consumo nacional, lograr que el 30% de las especies exportadas sea con
certificación de origen, mejorar la eficiencia productiva y mejorar la calidad de vida de los
grupos familiares caficultores. Lograr los puntos va a requerir una guía unificada e integrada
de toda la industria, desde la asociación de productores para mejorar eficiencias de escala, los
canales logísticos y la estructura institucional. A esto se debe realizar inversión en áreas
críticas como la de investigación y desarrollo, capacitación en personas y un despliegue de
mercadeo para mantener el reconocimiento y marca del café en el mercado externo. La
visión que se plantea en el año 2022 la industria del café en Colombia, habrá retomado su
preponderancia a nivel nacional y será reconocida a nivel internacional por su calidad,
rentabilidad y responsabilidad social. Seremos ante el mundo, una entidad símbolo del
orgullo cafetero, fuente de tradición y ejemplo de innovación
Historically, Colombia has based its economy on the coffee sector. However, economic policies, the Balance of Trade and international markets, have acquired more preponderance and influence on the definitions that have been taken regarding the Colombian coffee market, therefore the coffee business equation has changed. Today there are more "actors" and variables than before, however, the industry has not changed its way of operating. In addition, it is very important to have in mind that the country is going through a conjectural moment, in which it must make strategic decisions in terms of public policies and business to ensure the sustainability of the coffee industry and the economic stability of Families that depend on this product. It is for this reason that this paper aims to develop the following fundamental points for the year 2022: to position Colombian coffee in Asian and European markets, to achieve national consumption growth, to ensure that 30% of the species exported are Origin Certified ®, Improve productive efficiency and improve the quality of life in all farmer`s families. Achieving the described points, will require a unified and integrated guide of the entire industry, from the association of producers to improve efficiencies of scale, logistics channels and institutional structure. To achieve this, must be invested in critical areas such as research and development, training in people and marketing to maintain the recognition and branding of coffee in the external all defined external markets. The vision that arises in the year 2022 is as follows: the coffee industry in Colombian will have regained its preponderance at national level and will be internationally recognized for its quality, profitability and social responsibility. We will be before the eyes of the world, an entity symbol of coffee
Historically, Colombia has based its economy on the coffee sector. However, economic policies, the Balance of Trade and international markets, have acquired more preponderance and influence on the definitions that have been taken regarding the Colombian coffee market, therefore the coffee business equation has changed. Today there are more "actors" and variables than before, however, the industry has not changed its way of operating. In addition, it is very important to have in mind that the country is going through a conjectural moment, in which it must make strategic decisions in terms of public policies and business to ensure the sustainability of the coffee industry and the economic stability of Families that depend on this product. It is for this reason that this paper aims to develop the following fundamental points for the year 2022: to position Colombian coffee in Asian and European markets, to achieve national consumption growth, to ensure that 30% of the species exported are Origin Certified ®, Improve productive efficiency and improve the quality of life in all farmer`s families. Achieving the described points, will require a unified and integrated guide of the entire industry, from the association of producers to improve efficiencies of scale, logistics channels and institutional structure. To achieve this, must be invested in critical areas such as research and development, training in people and marketing to maintain the recognition and branding of coffee in the external all defined external markets. The vision that arises in the year 2022 is as follows: the coffee industry in Colombian will have regained its preponderance at national level and will be internationally recognized for its quality, profitability and social responsibility. We will be before the eyes of the world, an entity symbol of coffee
Café -- Industria y comercio -- Colombia, Planificación estratégica
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