Oportunidad de la consulta previa en los procedimientos administrativos del subsector minero correspondientes al otorgamiento de los títulos habilitantes para el desarrollo de las actividades mineras
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente artículo busca analizar la oportunidad de la Consulta Previa durante
el desarrollo de las actividades mineras, a efectos de determinar si el
otorgamiento de los títulos de concesiones mineras que se encuentran
superpuestos a territorios de Pueblos Indígenas u Originarios deberían estar
sujetos un proceso de consulta previa.
Para tal fin, se contará con tres (3) secciones, en la primera se abordarán los
aspectos jurídicos más relevantes de la consulta previa, poniendo principal
atención a la regulación internacional y nacional relacionada a este derecho.
Asimismo, en esta sección se hará referencia a la oportunidad de la consulta
previa, pues la identificación del momento para su realización resulta
fundamental para el ejercicio pleno de este derecho colectivo. En la segunda
sección se desarrollará la regulación de la consulta previa, específicamente, en
el subsector minero; para ello, se describirán las fases de la actividad minera, los
títulos habilitantes necesarios para la ejecución del proyecto y los efectos que
estos generan, culminando con la implementación de la consulta en este
Finalmente, en la tercera sección, se expondrán los argumentos por los que el
otorgamiento de títulos de concesiones mineras que se encuentran
superpuestos a territorios de Pueblos Indígenas u Originarios deberían estar
sujetos a un proceso de consulta previa; toda vez que su otorgamiento genera
una afectación directa sobre los derechos colectivos de estos pueblos.
Asimismo, se hará referencia a la regulación e implementación de este derecho
colectivo en otros países de la región.
A partir de lo expuesto, se recomendará modificar la Resolución Ministerial N°
403-2019-MINEM/DM, a fin de incorporar a los títulos de concesiones mineras
en el listado de procedimientos administrativos mineros sujetos a consulta
This article seeks to analyze the <<<suitability/necessity/appropriateness>>> of Prior Consultation during the development of mining activities, in order to determine whether the granting of mining concession titles that are superimposed on Indigenous or Original Peoples' territories should be subject to a process of prior consultation. To achieve this, there are three sections: the first of which addresses the most relevant legal aspects of prior consultation, paying special attention to the international and national regulations related to this right. Additionally, this section makes reference to the timeliness of prior consultation, since the identification of the moment of its implementation is fundamental to fully exercising this collective right. The second section develops the regulations of prior consultation, specifically in the mining subsector, describing the phases of the mining activity, the mining licences required for the execution of the project and the effects they generate, culminating with the implementation of consultation in this subsector. Finally, the third section presents the arguments why the granting of mining concession titles that are superimposed on Indigenous or Original Peoples' territories should be subject to a prior consultation process, since the granting of mining concessions directly affects the collective rights of these peoples. Reference is also made to the regulation and implementation of this collective right in other countries in the region. Based on the above, it is recommended to amend Ministerial Resolution No. 403-2019- MINEM/DM to incorporate mining concession titles to the list of mining administrative procedures that require prior consultation.
This article seeks to analyze the <<<suitability/necessity/appropriateness>>> of Prior Consultation during the development of mining activities, in order to determine whether the granting of mining concession titles that are superimposed on Indigenous or Original Peoples' territories should be subject to a process of prior consultation. To achieve this, there are three sections: the first of which addresses the most relevant legal aspects of prior consultation, paying special attention to the international and national regulations related to this right. Additionally, this section makes reference to the timeliness of prior consultation, since the identification of the moment of its implementation is fundamental to fully exercising this collective right. The second section develops the regulations of prior consultation, specifically in the mining subsector, describing the phases of the mining activity, the mining licences required for the execution of the project and the effects they generate, culminating with the implementation of consultation in this subsector. Finally, the third section presents the arguments why the granting of mining concession titles that are superimposed on Indigenous or Original Peoples' territories should be subject to a prior consultation process, since the granting of mining concessions directly affects the collective rights of these peoples. Reference is also made to the regulation and implementation of this collective right in other countries in the region. Based on the above, it is recommended to amend Ministerial Resolution No. 403-2019- MINEM/DM to incorporate mining concession titles to the list of mining administrative procedures that require prior consultation.
Industria minera--Administración, Concesiones administrativas--Normas--Perú, Derecho colectivo del trabajo--Perú