Valorización de las empresas: Alicorp S.A.A y Mondelēz International, Inc.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este estudio de investigación se enfoca en evaluar dos empresas destacadas en el
sector de consumo masivo, en la industria de alimentos, que son líderes tanto a nivel
nacional como reconocidos a nivel regional y mundial. Alicorp S.A.A. y Subsidiarias de
Perú (en adelante "Alicorp") y Mondelēz International, Inc. (en adelante "Mondelēz"),
han sido seleccionadas debido a su prominencia en la producción de alimentos para
consumo masivo, su presencia internacional y los desafíos que enfrentan en el actual
panorama económico mundial. Se comparará el desempeño financiero de ambas
empresas, nivel de ingresos, rentabilidad, estrategias de crecimiento y gestión, se
analizará la situación macroeconómica y se ofrecerán proyecciones y recomendaciones
estratégicas sobre los hallazgos.
La valorización de estas empresas se basa en un análisis detallado del
comportamiento de datos históricos relevantes durante el período comprendido entre
2014 y 2023. Posteriormente, se realizaron proyecciones para los siguientes cinco años
en base a variables macroeconómicas, de la industria e información histórica analizada.
Además, se ha considerado el análisis sectorial proporcionado por expertos de la
industria y se ha evaluado el tamaño y la composición del mercado de alimentos en cada
país, así como su alcance global. Además, se estudiaron las variables macroeconómicas
que impactan en las empresas mencionadas. La información financiera proporcionada
por ambas empresas ha sido crucial en este proceso de evaluación. Se ha utilizado el
método del flujo de caja descontado para calcular el valor fundamental de cada empresa,
teniendo en cuenta las expectativas de crecimiento y generación de valor. Asimismo, se
ha aplicado el modelo CAPM, incluyendo un valor terminal tras evaluar los flujos y
perpetuidad. Se han obtenido los ratios financieros, además de realizar el análisis
horizontal y vertical de los estados financieros de ambas empresas.
Los resultados revelan que las acciones de ambas empresas están subvaluadas
desde la perspectiva de los inversionistas. Además, el análisis financiero indica
oportunidades de mejora en diversos indicadores para ambas empresas, lo que podría
conducir a un valor adicional. En resumen, para Alicorp y Mondelēz la opción de
recompra de acciones se presenta como una estrategia viable, con resultados positivos
que incluyen un aumento del beneficio por acción (BPA) y del Price-to-Earnings Ratio
(PER), sugiriendo que esta medida puede generar valor para los accionistas.
This research study focuses on evaluating two prominent companies in the fast- moving consumer goods sector, in the food industry, which are leaders both nationally and recognized regionally and globally. Alicorp S.A.A. and Subsidiaries of Peru (hereinafter "Alicorp") and Mondelēz International, Inc. (hereinafter "Mondelēz"), have been selected due to their prominence in the production of fast-moving consumer goods, their international presence, and the challenges they face in the current global economic landscape. The financial performance of both companies will be compared in terms of revenue, profitability, growth strategies, and management. The macroeconomic situation will be analyzed, and strategic projections and recommendations based on the findings will be provided. The valuation of these companies is based on a detailed analysis of the behavior of relevant historical data during the period from 2014 to 2023. Subsequently, we made projections for the next five years based on macroeconomic variables, industry information, and historical data analyzed. In addition, the sector analysis provided by industry experts has been considered, evaluating the size and composition of the food market in each country, as well as its global scope. Furthermore, we studied the macroeconomic variables that impact the mentioned companies. The financial information provided by both companies has been crucial in this evaluation process. The discounted cash flow method has been used to calculate the fundamental value of each company, taking into account growth expectations and value generation. Likewise, the CAPM model has been applied, including a terminal value after evaluating the flows and perpetuity. We have obtained financial ratios, as well as conducting horizontal and vertical analysis of the financial statements of both companies. The results reveal that the shares of both companies are undervalued from the perspective of investors. Additionally, the financial analysis indicates improvement opportunities in various indicators for both companies, which could lead to additional value. In summary, for Alicorp and Mondelēz the option of share repurchase is presented as a viable strategy, with positive results including an increase in earnings per share (EPS) and the Price-to-Earnings Ratio (PER), suggesting that this measure can generate value for shareholders.
This research study focuses on evaluating two prominent companies in the fast- moving consumer goods sector, in the food industry, which are leaders both nationally and recognized regionally and globally. Alicorp S.A.A. and Subsidiaries of Peru (hereinafter "Alicorp") and Mondelēz International, Inc. (hereinafter "Mondelēz"), have been selected due to their prominence in the production of fast-moving consumer goods, their international presence, and the challenges they face in the current global economic landscape. The financial performance of both companies will be compared in terms of revenue, profitability, growth strategies, and management. The macroeconomic situation will be analyzed, and strategic projections and recommendations based on the findings will be provided. The valuation of these companies is based on a detailed analysis of the behavior of relevant historical data during the period from 2014 to 2023. Subsequently, we made projections for the next five years based on macroeconomic variables, industry information, and historical data analyzed. In addition, the sector analysis provided by industry experts has been considered, evaluating the size and composition of the food market in each country, as well as its global scope. Furthermore, we studied the macroeconomic variables that impact the mentioned companies. The financial information provided by both companies has been crucial in this evaluation process. The discounted cash flow method has been used to calculate the fundamental value of each company, taking into account growth expectations and value generation. Likewise, the CAPM model has been applied, including a terminal value after evaluating the flows and perpetuity. We have obtained financial ratios, as well as conducting horizontal and vertical analysis of the financial statements of both companies. The results reveal that the shares of both companies are undervalued from the perspective of investors. Additionally, the financial analysis indicates improvement opportunities in various indicators for both companies, which could lead to additional value. In summary, for Alicorp and Mondelēz the option of share repurchase is presented as a viable strategy, with positive results including an increase in earnings per share (EPS) and the Price-to-Earnings Ratio (PER), suggesting that this measure can generate value for shareholders.
Empresas--Valoración, Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Perú
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