Percepción docente sobre el desarrollo de la competencia lectora en un aula del cuarto grado del nivel primaria de una escuela pública de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación aborda la percepción de una docente de cuarto grado del
nivel primaria acerca del desarrollo de la competencia lectora a través del Plan Lector.
Esto surge a partir de la necesidad e importancia de que los estudiantes desarrollen
de manera óptima dicha competencia. En tal sentido, el objetivo de la investigación es
analizar la percepción de una docente del cuarto grado del nivel primaria sobre el
desarrollo de la competencia lectora a través del Plan lector, en la modalidad
presencial. En consecuencia, se plantean dos objetivos específicos que consisten en
describir el uso del Plan Lector en un aula de cuarto grado del nivel primaria y describir
el desarrollo de la competencia lectora en un aula de cuarto grado del nivel primaria
desde la percepción de una docente de una institución educativa pública de Lima
Metropolitana. Asimismo, la metodología en la cual se sustenta la investigación es de
enfoque cualitativo y de nivel descriptivo. Con relación al recojo de información, se
establece el uso de las técnicas de la observación y entrevista semiestructurada a una
docente tutora de cuarto grado del nivel primaria, teniendo en cuenta los principios
éticos de la investigación. Los hallazgos del estudio revelan que el uso del Plan Lector
favorece el desarrollo de la competencia lectora de los estudiantes de cuarto grado de
primaria. Considerando la importancia del tema, se recomienda continuar con
investigaciones que fortalezcan el desarrollo de la competencia lectora a través de la
aplicación de estrategias didácticas en el aula.
This research addresses the perception of a fourth-grade teacher at the primary level about the development of reading skills through the Reading Plan. This arises from the need and importance for students to optimally develop this competence. In this sense, the objective of this research is to analyze the perception of a fourth grade primary school teacher on the development of reading competence through the Reading Plan, within the framework of face-to-face education. Consequently, two specific objectives are proposed, which consist of describing the use of the Reading Plan in a fourth grade classroom at the primary level and describing the development of reading competence in a fourth grade classroom at the primary level from the perception of a teacher from a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima. Likewise, the methodology on which the research is based is qualitative and descriptive. In relation to the collection of information, the techniques of observation and semi-structured interview with a fourth grade elementary school teacher tutor were used, taking into account the principles of research ethics. The findings of the study reveal that the use of the Reading Plan, as an integral strategy, favors the development of the reading competence of fourth grade elementary school students. Considering the importance of the topic, it is recommended to continue with the research on strategies that favors the development of reading competence.
This research addresses the perception of a fourth-grade teacher at the primary level about the development of reading skills through the Reading Plan. This arises from the need and importance for students to optimally develop this competence. In this sense, the objective of this research is to analyze the perception of a fourth grade primary school teacher on the development of reading competence through the Reading Plan, within the framework of face-to-face education. Consequently, two specific objectives are proposed, which consist of describing the use of the Reading Plan in a fourth grade classroom at the primary level and describing the development of reading competence in a fourth grade classroom at the primary level from the perception of a teacher from a public educational institution in Metropolitan Lima. Likewise, the methodology on which the research is based is qualitative and descriptive. In relation to the collection of information, the techniques of observation and semi-structured interview with a fourth grade elementary school teacher tutor were used, taking into account the principles of research ethics. The findings of the study reveal that the use of the Reading Plan, as an integral strategy, favors the development of the reading competence of fourth grade elementary school students. Considering the importance of the topic, it is recommended to continue with the research on strategies that favors the development of reading competence.
Lectura--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Educación primaria--Investigaciones, Personal docente--Actitudes
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