Características de mindfulness y estrés agudo en estudiantes universitarios de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal conocer la relación entre las
características de mindfulness y estrés agudo y sus áreas en un grupo de estudiantes de una
universidad privada de Lima Metropolitana. Como objetivo específico se propuso explorar las
posibles diferencias significativas de los puntajes totales y áreas de las variables en función al
sexo y práctica de meditación. Para ello se evaluó a 124 estudiantes universitarios, hombres y
mujeres de 18 a 25 años (M= 19.05; D.E.= 1.49). Para medir el mindfulness se utilizó la
adaptación del Cuestionario de Cinco Facetas de mindfulness (Loret de Mola, 2009) y el
Inventario de Reacciones de Estrés Agudo (Valdez, 1999) para la medición del estrés agudo. La
mayoría de las correlaciones encontradas responde congruentemente con los hallazgos previos en
la literatura: se halló una relación inversa entre los niveles de mindfulness y estrés agudo y entre
la mayoría de sus áreas. Se concluye así que el mindfulness puede funcionar como herramienta
protectora contra el estrés agudo, ya que su ejercicio implica una serie de capacidades que
amortiguan las respuestas de este tipo de estrés.
The main aim of the present study was to know the relationship between mindfulness and acute stress characteristics and their areas in a group of college students from a private university of Metropolitan Lima. The specific goal proposed was to explore the significant differences of the variables' total scores and their areas depending on sex and meditation practice. In order to do so, a group of 124 college students, both men and women, from 18 to 25 years of age (M= 19.05; S.D.= 1.49), was evaluated. For mindfulness measurement, Loret de Mola’s adaptation (2009) of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire was used and the Inventory of Acute Stress Responses (Valdez, 1999) was used to measure acute stress. Most of the correlations found were consistent with previous findings in the literature: an inverse correlation between the levels of mindfulness and acute stress and among most of their areas was found. It is concluded that mindfulness can function as a protective tool against acute stress, since its exercise implies a series of capacities that cushion said type of stress responses.
The main aim of the present study was to know the relationship between mindfulness and acute stress characteristics and their areas in a group of college students from a private university of Metropolitan Lima. The specific goal proposed was to explore the significant differences of the variables' total scores and their areas depending on sex and meditation practice. In order to do so, a group of 124 college students, both men and women, from 18 to 25 years of age (M= 19.05; S.D.= 1.49), was evaluated. For mindfulness measurement, Loret de Mola’s adaptation (2009) of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire was used and the Inventory of Acute Stress Responses (Valdez, 1999) was used to measure acute stress. Most of the correlations found were consistent with previous findings in the literature: an inverse correlation between the levels of mindfulness and acute stress and among most of their areas was found. It is concluded that mindfulness can function as a protective tool against acute stress, since its exercise implies a series of capacities that cushion said type of stress responses.
Estudiantes universitarios--Investigaciones--Perú--Lima, Stress (Psicología), Atención plena (Psicología)
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