Centro de alto rendimiento deportivo, equipamiento cómo integrador paisajístico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Seminario Menor Santo Toribio, diseñado por Paul
Linder y construido en 1961 en las laderas de Chaclacayo,
se distingue por su grilla tipo damero y bloques ortogo-
nales conectados por pérgolas, un diseño que refleja la
armonización con la pendiente. Sin embargo, el paso del
tiempo y la falta de mantenimiento han dejado su huella
en el complejo. En el 2017, un proyecto con la Federación
Peruana de Fútbol (FPF) para un centro deportivo en la
misma locación se detuvo en el 2020, dejando atrás exca-
vaciones inacabadas.
El abandono del proyecto actualmente suscita interro-
gantes acerca de cómo revitalizar y rescatar el lugar. El
centro de alto rendimiento deportivo propuesto plantea
una visión que busca la reconciliación entre el antiguo
Seminario y el nuevo proyecto deportivo. A través de la
restitución de la topografía original del terreno, la pro-
puesta busca conservar la arquitectura del Seminario y
fusionarla con el nuevo entorno deportivo, preservando a
su vez las características culturales y naturales del área.
La propuesta de proyecto se apoya en las estrategias
originales de Paul Linder, adaptando los elementos
arquitectónicos existentes para su incorporación en un
diseño deportivo contemporáneo. Se espera que este
nuevo enfoque sea una solución sostenible y respetuosa
del entorno que, además, revitalice un espacio histórico y
contribuya al desarrollo de la región.
The Minor Seminary of Santo Toribio, designed by Paul Linder and built in 1961 on the slopes of Chaclacayo, is distinguished by its grid-like layout and orthogonal blocks connected by pergolas, a design that reflects har- monization with the slope. However, the passage of time and lack of maintenance have left their mark on the complex. In 2017, a project with the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF) for a sports center at the same location was stopped in 2020, leaving behind unfinished excava- tions. The abandonment of the project currently raises ques- tions about how to revitalize and rescue the place. The proposed high-performance sports center presents a vision that seeks reconciliation between the old seminary and the new sports project. Through the restoration of the original topography of the land, the proposal seeks to preserve the architecture of the Seminary and merge it with the new sports environment, while preserving the cultural and natural characteristics of the area. The project proposal is based on Paul Linder's original strategies, adapting the existing architectural elements for incorporation into a contemporary sports design. This new approach ¡is expected to be a sustainable and envi- ronmentally respectful solution that, in addition, revitali- zes a historic space and contributes to the development ofthe region.
The Minor Seminary of Santo Toribio, designed by Paul Linder and built in 1961 on the slopes of Chaclacayo, is distinguished by its grid-like layout and orthogonal blocks connected by pergolas, a design that reflects har- monization with the slope. However, the passage of time and lack of maintenance have left their mark on the complex. In 2017, a project with the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF) for a sports center at the same location was stopped in 2020, leaving behind unfinished excava- tions. The abandonment of the project currently raises ques- tions about how to revitalize and rescue the place. The proposed high-performance sports center presents a vision that seeks reconciliation between the old seminary and the new sports project. Through the restoration of the original topography of the land, the proposal seeks to preserve the architecture of the Seminary and merge it with the new sports environment, while preserving the cultural and natural characteristics of the area. The project proposal is based on Paul Linder's original strategies, adapting the existing architectural elements for incorporation into a contemporary sports design. This new approach ¡is expected to be a sustainable and envi- ronmentally respectful solution that, in addition, revitali- zes a historic space and contributes to the development ofthe region.
Topografía--Arquitectura--Perú--Chaclacayo (Lima : Distrito), Ecología del paisaje, Estadios deportivos, Campos deportivos--Diseño y construcción
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