Estrategias docentes para incluir a un estudiante con Trastorno del Espectro Autista del sexto grado de primaria de una institución educativa pública
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación aborda el tema de las estrategias docentes para
incluir a un estudiante con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), donde se tiene como
objetivo general analizar las estrategias docentes. Además, tiene como objetivos
específicos describir el rol docente y describir las estrategias docentes para incluir a
un estudiante con trastorno del espectro autista del sexto grado de primaria de una
institución educativa pública. Esta investigación es de enfoque cualitativo y tipo
descriptivo. La recolección de información se realizó a través de una entrevista
semiestructurada y una ficha de observación a la docente del sexto grado de primaria
donde se asegura la confidencialidad y privacidad de los datos personales de los
participantes. El resultado de la investigación muestra la importancia del rol docente
respecto a los estudiantes con condición TEA según el diagnóstico brindado para
establecer las estrategias docentes adecuadas. Además, la necesidad de un trabajo
constante con los padres de familia y el SAANEE para un proceso de aprendizaje
efectivo. Asimismo, la metodología de trabajo debe ser constante y fijada a través de
metas a cumplir. Finalmente, se reafirma la eficacia de las estrategias docentes
revisadas en el marco teórico y se conocen nuevas estrategias empleadas durante la
This research work addresses the issue of teaching strategies to include students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), where it will be found out what are the teaching strategies used to include a student with autism spectrum disorder in the sixth grade of elementary school in a public educational institution. In addition, its general objective is to analyze teaching strategies; for which the teaching role and teaching strategies are described to include a student with autism spectrum disorder in the sixth grade of primary school in a public educational institution. This research has a qualitative and descriptive approach. The collection of information was collected through a semi-structured interview and an observation sheet to the teacher of the sixth grade of primary school where the confidentiality and privacy of the personal data of the participants is ensured. The result of the research shows the importance of the teaching role regarding students with ASD condition according to the diagnosis provided to establish the appropriate teaching strategies. In addition, the need for constant work with parents and the SAANEE for an effective learning process. Likewise, the work methodology must be constant and set through goals to be met by students. Finally, the effectiveness of the teaching strategies reviewed in the theoretical framework is clearly and new strategies used during the class are known.
This research work addresses the issue of teaching strategies to include students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), where it will be found out what are the teaching strategies used to include a student with autism spectrum disorder in the sixth grade of elementary school in a public educational institution. In addition, its general objective is to analyze teaching strategies; for which the teaching role and teaching strategies are described to include a student with autism spectrum disorder in the sixth grade of primary school in a public educational institution. This research has a qualitative and descriptive approach. The collection of information was collected through a semi-structured interview and an observation sheet to the teacher of the sixth grade of primary school where the confidentiality and privacy of the personal data of the participants is ensured. The result of the research shows the importance of the teaching role regarding students with ASD condition according to the diagnosis provided to establish the appropriate teaching strategies. In addition, the need for constant work with parents and the SAANEE for an effective learning process. Likewise, the work methodology must be constant and set through goals to be met by students. Finally, the effectiveness of the teaching strategies reviewed in the theoretical framework is clearly and new strategies used during the class are known.
Autismo, Niños autistas--Educación, Educación primaria, Personal docente, Trabajo en grupos (Educación), Educación inclusiva
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