Análisis de los aspectos que influyen en la participación de los varones en la estrategia “Hombres por la Igualdad” en los distritos de Chorrillos y El Agustino, durante el periodo 2019 – 2021
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables (MIMP), a través del Programa
Nacional para la Prevención y Erradicación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres e
Integrantes del Grupo Familiar – AURORA, viene implementando la estrategia
Hombres por la Igualdad, programa de prevención primaria que busca reducir la
tolerancia a la violencia en los hombres en Perú. Sus principales actividades son el
fortalecimiento de capacidades y la formación de un colectivo que realice acciones de
sensibilización sobre relaciones democráticas y libres de violencia. La investigación
analiza los aspectos que influyen en la participación de varones de los distritos de
Chorrillos y El Agustino en el programa, considerando las estrategias implementadas
para la difusión y convocatoria de varones, así como la importancia de la articulación
con los actores locales; asimismo, se presenta la percepción de varones participantes
y profesionales de la estrategia sobre las acciones propuestas. La metodología es
mediante enfoque cualitativo sobre el análisis de caso en ambos distritos durante el
periodo del 2019 – 2021. Para la obtención de información se entrevistó a usuarios de
derecho y profesionales de Chorrillos y El Agustino, así como la observación
participante en las sesiones de formación de líderes en el distrito de Chorrillos. Entre
los principales hallazgos se destaca que la participación de los varones es limitada
debido a la poca difusión de la estrategia en las localidades y distritos, así como las
dificultades propias de los varones para participar de actividades luego de su horario
laboral o por los temores de participar en acciones que afecten negativamente su
masculinidad. Se destaca el papel de los actores locales que facilitan el contacto de
la estrategia con los varones del distrito, facilitando la difusión de los servicios y
cooperando según las necesidades de los especialistas del programa. Se recalca la
necesidad de mayor protagonismo de los actores locales, como los Gobiernos
Locales, ONGs, empresas privadas, entre otros, para fortalecer la difusión en el
distrito, incrementar del interés de los varones en los servicios que ofrece la estrategia
y establecer la prevención a la violencia como objetivo común en el distrito.
The Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables (MIMP), through the Programa Nacional para la Prevención y Erradicación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres e Integrantes del Grupo Familiar - AURORA, implements the strategy “Hombres por la Igualdad”, a primary prevention program that seeks to reduce violence tolerance in men in Perú. Its main activities are the strengthening of capacities and the formation of a group that implement awareness-raising actions on democratic relations free of violence. The research analyzes the aspects that influence the participation of men from the districts of Chorrillos and El Agustino in the program, considering the diffusion and calling activities implemented for the participation of potential participants as the importance of articulation with local actors; likewise, the perception of male participants and facilitators of the strategy on the proposed actions. In terms of methodology, we developed the study through a qualitative approach on case analysis in both districts during the period of 2019 - 2021. In order to obtain information, users and facilitators from Chorrillos and El Agustino were interviewed and participant observations were made in the training sessions for leaders in the district of Chorrillos. Among the main findings, it is highlighted that the participation of men is limited due to the limited diffusion of the strategy in the localities and districts, as well as the difficulties of men to participate in activities after their working hours or the fear of engaging in actions that negatively affect their masculinity. The role of local actors who facilitate the contact of the strategy with other men is highlighted, enabling the diffusion of services and cooperating according to the needs of the program specialists. This highlights the need for a greater role for local actors, such as local governments, NGOs, private companies, among others, to strengthen the diffusion in the district, increase the interest of men in the services offered by the strategy and establish prevention to violence as a common goal in the district.
The Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables (MIMP), through the Programa Nacional para la Prevención y Erradicación de la Violencia contra las Mujeres e Integrantes del Grupo Familiar - AURORA, implements the strategy “Hombres por la Igualdad”, a primary prevention program that seeks to reduce violence tolerance in men in Perú. Its main activities are the strengthening of capacities and the formation of a group that implement awareness-raising actions on democratic relations free of violence. The research analyzes the aspects that influence the participation of men from the districts of Chorrillos and El Agustino in the program, considering the diffusion and calling activities implemented for the participation of potential participants as the importance of articulation with local actors; likewise, the perception of male participants and facilitators of the strategy on the proposed actions. In terms of methodology, we developed the study through a qualitative approach on case analysis in both districts during the period of 2019 - 2021. In order to obtain information, users and facilitators from Chorrillos and El Agustino were interviewed and participant observations were made in the training sessions for leaders in the district of Chorrillos. Among the main findings, it is highlighted that the participation of men is limited due to the limited diffusion of the strategy in the localities and districts, as well as the difficulties of men to participate in activities after their working hours or the fear of engaging in actions that negatively affect their masculinity. The role of local actors who facilitate the contact of the strategy with other men is highlighted, enabling the diffusion of services and cooperating according to the needs of the program specialists. This highlights the need for a greater role for local actors, such as local governments, NGOs, private companies, among others, to strengthen the diffusion in the district, increase the interest of men in the services offered by the strategy and establish prevention to violence as a common goal in the district.
Igualdad de oportunidades, Violencia familiar--Perú, Relaciones de pareja--Perú--Chorrillos (Lima : Distrito), Relaciones de pareja--Perú--El Agustino (Lima : Distrito)
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