Características del proceso de enseñanza orientado al enfoque STEM en el laboratorio de Innovación en el aula de 5to de primaria de un colegio particular de Lima
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como principal objetivo analizar cómo el enfoque de
las clases del curso de Innovación de un colegio privado de Lima está orientado a
desarrollar aprendizajes en STEM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas) de
los estudiantes de quinto grado de primaria. Se desarrolla bajo un enfoque cualitativo,
a partir de la observación de sesiones escolares a lo largo de cuatro semanas y es
complementada con la revisión del documento de planificación de una sesión. La
importancia de esta investigación radica en la necesidad actual que existe de revalorar
la enseñanza de las disciplinas STEM desde los componentes epistémicos,
procedimentales y operatorios, y reflexivos, dado que estas áreas son clave para
resolver diversos problemas sociales que exigen sustento científico. De esa manera, un
escenario de enseñanza STEM persigue un fin real y práctico en la sociedad,
pretendiendo que el aula se convierta en un espacio interactivo en donde se permita
compartir un conocimiento construido y universalizado. En el estudio se identifica que
la intención de las sesiones es que los estudiantes conozcan cómo es un sistema
electrónico y cómo este permite hacer funcionar un dispositivo específico evidenciando
así que deben enfrentarse a la problemática de elaborar un sistema de programación
comprendiendo su importancia y aplicación en la realidad. Con el seguimiento se
corrobora una orientación hacia la promoción de aprendizajes STEM guiando la
secuencia didáctica bajo los rasgos de una metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en
Proyectos y el desarrollo del contenido desde un carácter procedimental.
The main objective of this research was to analyze how the focus of the classes of the Innovation course of a private school in Metropolitan Lima is oriented to develop learning in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) of fifth grade students. The qualitative information has been obtained by observing school sessions over four weeks and has been complemented with the review of the class session planning document issued by the observed teacher. The importance of this research lies in the current need to incorporate STEM into the classroom in an articulated way, since these areas require interdisciplinary management to be able to solve, identify or analyze the various problems that exist in society related to the scientific field. In this way, a STEM teaching scenario pursues a useful, real and practical end in society, pretending that the classroom becomes a space to understand, debate, investigate, execute projects and deepen reflections related to the fields of knowledge in this STEM line. Through observation, it was possible to identify that students should know what an electronic system is like and how it allows a specific device to function, thus showing that they had to face the problem of developing a programming system, understanding its importance and application in reality. With the follow-up, it was possible to corroborate an orientation towards the promotion of STEM learning, guiding the didactic sequence under the Project-Based Learning methodology and the content was directed from a procedural deployment.
The main objective of this research was to analyze how the focus of the classes of the Innovation course of a private school in Metropolitan Lima is oriented to develop learning in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) of fifth grade students. The qualitative information has been obtained by observing school sessions over four weeks and has been complemented with the review of the class session planning document issued by the observed teacher. The importance of this research lies in the current need to incorporate STEM into the classroom in an articulated way, since these areas require interdisciplinary management to be able to solve, identify or analyze the various problems that exist in society related to the scientific field. In this way, a STEM teaching scenario pursues a useful, real and practical end in society, pretending that the classroom becomes a space to understand, debate, investigate, execute projects and deepen reflections related to the fields of knowledge in this STEM line. Through observation, it was possible to identify that students should know what an electronic system is like and how it allows a specific device to function, thus showing that they had to face the problem of developing a programming system, understanding its importance and application in reality. With the follow-up, it was possible to corroborate an orientation towards the promotion of STEM learning, guiding the didactic sequence under the Project-Based Learning methodology and the content was directed from a procedural deployment.
Ciencia--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Matemáticas--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Tecnología--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Ingeniería--Estudio y enseñanza (Primaria), Aprendizaje (Educación)--Metodología, Trabajo en grupos (Educación)
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