Lineamientos para el adecuado fomento de la negociación colectiva en los trabajadores por cuenta propia de las plataformas digitales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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La presente investigación, busca establecer lineamientos en la legislación
nacional que fundamenten el ejercicio y efectividad del derecho a la negociación
colectiva de los trabajadores de plataformas digitales. A efectos de llevar a cabo la
investigación, se empleó como metodología un enfoque cualitativo, tipo aplicada,
método dogmático – fenomenológico y diseño no experimental; asimismo, se
aplicó como técnica el análisis documental mediante su instrumento la guía de
análisis documental.
Así pues, como conclusión de esta investigación se tiene que, el derecho
de negociación colectiva no debería verse negado en los trabajadores de las
plataformas digitales debido a que, existe un desequilibrio sobre este tipo de
trabajo a raíz de las precariedades en el que se desenvuelve la actividad laboral
en mención, existiendo suficientes indicios de laboralidad que demuestran una
relación de trabajo en los trabajadores calificados como autónomos y sus
empleadores; por ello, la jurisprudencia internacional respalda la necesidad de un
reconocimiento laboral sobre los derechos colectivos del trabajo por existir criterios
de ajenidad, control y dependencia proveniente de los empresarios de plataformas
digitales, la dispersión geográfica y la alta rotación de personal.
This research work seeks to establish the guidelines in the national legislation that support the exercise of the right to collective bargaining of workers of digital platforms. In order to develop the research, a qualitative approach, applied type, phenomenological method and non-experimental design was used as methodology; likewise, documentary analysis was applied as a technique through its instrument, the documentary analysis guide. Thus, the conclusion of this research is that the right to collective bargaining should not be denied to workers of digital platforms because there is an imbalance on this type of work as a result of the precariousness in which the labor activity in question is developed, there being sufficient evidence of labor that demonstrates an employment relationship in workers classified as self-employed and their employers; Therefore, international jurisprudence supports the need for labor recognition of collective labor rights due to the existence of criteria of alienation, control and dependence from digital platform entrepreneurs, geographic dispersion and high staff turnover.
This research work seeks to establish the guidelines in the national legislation that support the exercise of the right to collective bargaining of workers of digital platforms. In order to develop the research, a qualitative approach, applied type, phenomenological method and non-experimental design was used as methodology; likewise, documentary analysis was applied as a technique through its instrument, the documentary analysis guide. Thus, the conclusion of this research is that the right to collective bargaining should not be denied to workers of digital platforms because there is an imbalance on this type of work as a result of the precariousness in which the labor activity in question is developed, there being sufficient evidence of labor that demonstrates an employment relationship in workers classified as self-employed and their employers; Therefore, international jurisprudence supports the need for labor recognition of collective labor rights due to the existence of criteria of alienation, control and dependence from digital platform entrepreneurs, geographic dispersion and high staff turnover.
Negociación colectiva--Perú, Trabajadores independientes--Legislación--Perú, Trabajo--Innovaciones tecnológicas, Derecho laboral--Perú
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