El derecho al descanso como factor de prevención ante accidentes de trabajo en perjuicio de maquinistas textiles bajo jornadas en turnos rotativos
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El sustento principal para abordar esta investigación versa sobre el impacto que pueda
generar sobre los maquinistas textiles, actividad laboral calificada como de alto riesgo,
la indebida aplicación del derecho al descanso, sobre todo en la ejecución de jornadas
laborales en turnos rotativos. Este contexto puede generar mayores contingencias y
riesgos ante posibles accidentes de trabajo, así como el padecimiento a la salud mental
y/o física de los prestadores de servicios, debido a los cambios periódicos y radicales
entre los turnos a trabajar (sea de diurno a nocturno, o viceversa). Asimismo, de manera
dogmática e interdisciplinaria, la problemática analizada (en el sentido del tiempo de
trabajo y de descanso) se enmarca en una relevancia social y académica, en tanto que
concebir al derecho al descanso como factor de prevención ante situaciones laborales
calificadas de alto riesgo, engloba el análisis de diversos aspectos que ameritan
cambios sustanciales por parte del Estado. En ese sentido, el objetivo central es
reconocer y visibilizar que la tenue regulación aplicada para las turnos rotativos dista de
preocuparse por limitar situaciones que pueden generar impactos negativos en la salud
y la seguridad de los trabajadores, aunado a no señalar ningún elemento determinante
frente a la prevención y protección ante actividades económicas con altos índices de
accidentes laborales. Reconocer la posibilidad de implementar propuestas de cambio
es un escalón determinante para reformular una modalidad de trabajo acorde con la
productividad, debiéndose enlazar con los principios que rigen a la seguridad y salud en
el trabajo.
The main basis for addressing this research is the impact that the improper application of the right to rest may generate on textile machinists, a work activity classified as high risk, especially in the execution of work days in rotating shifts. This context can generate greater contingencies and risks in the event of possible work accidents, as well as suffering to the mental and/or physical health of service providers, due to the periodic and radical changes between the shifts to work (whether from daytime to nighttime). Likewise, in a dogmatic and interdisciplinary manner, the problem analyzed (in the sense of work and rest time) is framed in a social and academic relevance, while conceiving the right to rest as a prevention factor in work situations classified as highly risk, encompasses the analysis of various aspects that warrant substantial changes by the State. In this sense, the central objective is to recognize and make visible that the tenuous regulation applied for rotating shifts is far from concerned with limiting situations that can generate negative impacts on the health and safety of workers, coupled with not pointing out any determining element against prevention and protection against economic activities with high rates of workplace accidents. Recognizing the possibility of implementing proposals for change is a decisive step to reformulate a work modality in accordance with productivity and must be linked to the principles that govern safety and health at work.
The main basis for addressing this research is the impact that the improper application of the right to rest may generate on textile machinists, a work activity classified as high risk, especially in the execution of work days in rotating shifts. This context can generate greater contingencies and risks in the event of possible work accidents, as well as suffering to the mental and/or physical health of service providers, due to the periodic and radical changes between the shifts to work (whether from daytime to nighttime). Likewise, in a dogmatic and interdisciplinary manner, the problem analyzed (in the sense of work and rest time) is framed in a social and academic relevance, while conceiving the right to rest as a prevention factor in work situations classified as highly risk, encompasses the analysis of various aspects that warrant substantial changes by the State. In this sense, the central objective is to recognize and make visible that the tenuous regulation applied for rotating shifts is far from concerned with limiting situations that can generate negative impacts on the health and safety of workers, coupled with not pointing out any determining element against prevention and protection against economic activities with high rates of workplace accidents. Recognizing the possibility of implementing proposals for change is a decisive step to reformulate a work modality in accordance with productivity and must be linked to the principles that govern safety and health at work.
Derecho laboral--Legislación--Perú, Períodos de descanso--Legislación--Perú, Accidentes de trabajo--Perú
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