Estrategia integral de difusión sobre la formación policial para enfrentar la reducida calidad del servicio de captación y selección ejecutado por la Escuela de Educación Superior Técnico Profesional Héroe Nacional Capitán PNP Alipio Ponce Vásquez de Puente Piedra
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Recurrentemente, la Policía Nacional del Perú (PNP) ha sido objeto de serios
cuestionamientos por parte de la opinión pública por la reducida calidad del servicio que
ofrece, en especial en lo que respecta a seguridad ciudadana1 en todos los niveles de
gobierno. Esto se debe, en parte, a la percepción de los bajos niveles de eficiencia
policial, falta de motivación y una deficiente capacitación, sumado a la existencia de
efectivos policiales inmersos en hechos delictivos que utilizan los recursos de la
institución para su beneficio personal o el de redes de crimen organizado ¿Cómo
podemos mejorar la calidad los futuros suboficiales, en lo que respecta a eficiencia,
motivación y capacitación? En el presente trabajo nos proponemos analizar toda la
cadena de valor del sistema educativo policial, haciendo énfasis en el proceso de
captación y selección de los nuevos suboficiales de la Escuela de Educación Superior
Técnico Profesional (EESTP) de la PNP de Puente Piedra. Consideramos que la calidad
del efectivo policial es producto de la formación que se le brinda en las EESTP, pero
también de los filtros de control y estrategias comunicacionales implementadas para
seleccionar a los mejores postulantes. Sin embargo, hemos hallado que la estrategia de
captación y selección ejecutada por la EESTP PNP de Puente Piedra utiliza aún medios
tradicionales de difusión de sus Procesos de Admisión, su registro de información es
básico y no es utilizado para generar retroalimentación y, además, la transparencia en
las actividades desplegadas por la PNP adolece de serias deficiencias que necesitan
ser superadas. Ante dicha situación, proponemos una Estrategia Integral que consiste
en la aplicación de estrategias de marketing para la difusión de las bondades de la
formación policial a la vez que se plantea una estrategia de branding de la EESTP PNP como marca institucional, asimismo, se busca afinar el proceso de captación mediante
la transparencia y participación de veedores externos que garanticen la imparcialidad
de las evaluaciones, finalmente la estrategia se complementa con la elaboración de un
Análisis de Mercado de los postulantes para que la EESTP PNP de Puente Piedra pueda
contar con una Base de Datos que sirva como base para la construcción de un Perfil del
Recurrently, the Peruvian National Police (PNP) has been seriously questioned by public opinion due to the low quality of the service it offers, especially with regard to citizen security at all levels of government. This is due, in part, to the perception of low levels of police efficiency, lack of motivation and poor training, coupled with the existence of police officers involved in criminal acts who use the resources of the institution for their personal benefit or the from organized crime networks How can we improve the quality of future sub-officers, in terms of efficiency, motivation and training? In this research, we aim to analyze the entire value chain of the police educational system, emphasizing on the catchment and selection process of the new non-commissioned officers, in the Professional Technical Education School (PTES) of Peru’s National Police at Puente Piedra district. We think that the quality of the police officers depends of the formation brought by the PTES, but it also depends of the control filters and communicational strategies that are implemented to select the best applicants. Nevertheless, we found that the catchment and selection strategy implemented by Puente Piedra PTES uses traditional ways to spread its Admission Processes yet. Also, its information registry is at a basic level and the transparency of the police activities suffers serious deficiencies that must to be overcome. To face that situation, we propose a Holistic Strategy that consists in the implementation of marketing strategies to spread the virtues of police formation, at the same time we consider there must be a branding strategy in the PTES to work on its institutional brand. Additionally, we must look forward to refine the catchment process through transparency and the participation of external overseers to ensure the impartiality in the evaluations. Finally, the strategy is complemented with the elaboration of a Market Analysis to obtain more knowledge about the applicant’s characteristics and provenance. Implementing these policies, the PTES can elaborate a complete and sophisticated Data Base that can be used as a base to construct an Applicant Profile.
Recurrently, the Peruvian National Police (PNP) has been seriously questioned by public opinion due to the low quality of the service it offers, especially with regard to citizen security at all levels of government. This is due, in part, to the perception of low levels of police efficiency, lack of motivation and poor training, coupled with the existence of police officers involved in criminal acts who use the resources of the institution for their personal benefit or the from organized crime networks How can we improve the quality of future sub-officers, in terms of efficiency, motivation and training? In this research, we aim to analyze the entire value chain of the police educational system, emphasizing on the catchment and selection process of the new non-commissioned officers, in the Professional Technical Education School (PTES) of Peru’s National Police at Puente Piedra district. We think that the quality of the police officers depends of the formation brought by the PTES, but it also depends of the control filters and communicational strategies that are implemented to select the best applicants. Nevertheless, we found that the catchment and selection strategy implemented by Puente Piedra PTES uses traditional ways to spread its Admission Processes yet. Also, its information registry is at a basic level and the transparency of the police activities suffers serious deficiencies that must to be overcome. To face that situation, we propose a Holistic Strategy that consists in the implementation of marketing strategies to spread the virtues of police formation, at the same time we consider there must be a branding strategy in the PTES to work on its institutional brand. Additionally, we must look forward to refine the catchment process through transparency and the participation of external overseers to ensure the impartiality in the evaluations. Finally, the strategy is complemented with the elaboration of a Market Analysis to obtain more knowledge about the applicant’s characteristics and provenance. Implementing these policies, the PTES can elaborate a complete and sophisticated Data Base that can be used as a base to construct an Applicant Profile.
Policía Nacional (Perú)--Aspectos educativos, Policía Nacional (Perú)--Formación profesional, Policía Nacional (Perú)--Educación, Estudiantes--Policía Nacional (Perú)--Admisión
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