El mejoramiento de la raza es un deber nacional: las Jornadas peruanas de eugenesia (1920-1950)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Desde fines del siglo XX e inicios del siglo XX la presencia de los médicos en espacios
de poder se hizo más notoria pues buscaban responder a los problemas sociales
causados por el desarrollo de la industrialización. De la mano del positivismo y la
estadística, en conjunto con el apoyo de autoridades políticas, los médicos
aseguraron su lugar en espacios políticos apelando a su preocupación por solucionar
los problemas de salud de la colectividad. Es en este marco que surge la eugenesia
que, de la mano de la medicina social, la higiene y otras medidas de índole
eugenésica, mejorarían la salud de la población y, por consiguiente, la raza nacional.
Este vínculo entre los políticos y los médicos legitimaba la intervención y regulación
de los individuos, ya que apelaban a un capital científico monopolizado.
La presente investigación busca revisar y analizar el discurso eugenésico peruano a
partir de dos eventos: la Primera y la Segunda jornada peruana de eugenesia. A lo
largo de esta tesis nos proponemos presentar al igual que analizar las miradas de los
médicos y autoridades presentes en dichos eventos con el fin de identificar los
cambios y continuidades entre ambos. Las jornadas de eugenesia mostraron el
alcance que tuvieron las ideas eugenésicas a nivel global además de proponer
iniciativas que posteriormente se lograron materializar en decretos e instituciones.
Since the late 20th century and the early 20th century, the presence of physicians in positions of power became more prominent as they sought to address social problems caused by industrialization. Hand in hand with positivism and statistics, along with the support of political authorities, doctors secured their place in the political spheres by appealing to their concern for solving the health problems of the community. It is within this framework that eugenics emerges alongside social medicine, hygiene, and other eugenic measures, aimed to improve the health of the population and, consequently, the national race. This link between politicians and doctors legitimized the intervention and regulation of individuals, as they appealed to a monopolized scientific capital. This research aims to review and analyze the Peruvian eugenic discourse based on the First and Second Peruvian Eugenics Conferences. Throughout this thesis, we aim to present and analyze the perspectives of the doctors and authorities present at these events to identify changes and continuities between them. The eugenics conferences showcased the global impact of eugenic ideas and proposed initiatives that were later materialized in decrees and institutions.
Since the late 20th century and the early 20th century, the presence of physicians in positions of power became more prominent as they sought to address social problems caused by industrialization. Hand in hand with positivism and statistics, along with the support of political authorities, doctors secured their place in the political spheres by appealing to their concern for solving the health problems of the community. It is within this framework that eugenics emerges alongside social medicine, hygiene, and other eugenic measures, aimed to improve the health of the population and, consequently, the national race. This link between politicians and doctors legitimized the intervention and regulation of individuals, as they appealed to a monopolized scientific capital. This research aims to review and analyze the Peruvian eugenic discourse based on the First and Second Peruvian Eugenics Conferences. Throughout this thesis, we aim to present and analyze the perspectives of the doctors and authorities present at these events to identify changes and continuities between them. The eugenics conferences showcased the global impact of eugenic ideas and proposed initiatives that were later materialized in decrees and institutions.
Salud pública--Perú--Historia, Educación sexual--Perú, Eugenesia
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