La clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso de los Estados Unidos (LCC) : correspondencia de los temas de la sección F3442-F3447 de la subdivisión "Peru" respecto a los de la bibliografía peruana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La Clasificación de la Biblioteca del Congreso de los Estados Unidos (Library of Congress
Classification, LCC por su abreviatura en inglés) uno de los sistemas de organización del
conocimiento en bibliotecas más empleadas a nivel mundial por su estructura y alcance y por su apoyo
en la conexión con los recursos de información requeridos, presenta diferencias respecto a la
complejidad, actualización y atingencia respecto al desarrollo de investigaciones en Historia
Universal y de América Latina. En tal sentido esta investigación busca comprobar tales diferencias
respecto a la realidad histórica y bibliográfica peruana, para lo cual se propone estimar el grado de
correspondencia existente en 180 temas (acontecimientos históricos y personajes) en función de
aparición y no aparición tanto en la sección F3442 – F3447 de la LCC “Peru”, localizada en la clase
F, “Historia de las Américas”, subdivisión “Peru” F3400 –F3700, como en seis autores reconocidos
en bibliografía peruana (periodo histórico 1492 – 1919) seleccionados sistemáticamente del Sistema
de Bibliotecas de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). Dos tablas de grados se
proponen para estimar la correspondencia, adaptadas de la escala de Likert, las cuales componen el
instrumento de medición. Después de contabilizar en sumatorias, porcentajes y proporciones, se
concluye que el grado de correspondencia existente entre las estructuras del conocimiento
mencionadas es de 2.970/1, “bajo”, no obstante es diverso el conjunto de proporciones, como de
grados, tanto para cada autor, como para cada periodo. El autor de mayor proximidad en grado de
correspondencia es Fisher, para su bibliografía de 1989, con 1.692, “alto”, y el de mayor lejanía en
grado es Porras, para su obra de 1963, con 3.974, “muy bajo”. Para el caso de los periodos, el de
mayor proximidad en grado de correspondencia es “Emancipación e Independencia del Perú (1820 –
1830)” con 2.217/1, “alto” y el de mayor lejanía es “Virreinato del Perú (1548 – 1824)” con 4.042/1,
“bajo”. No obstante, se sugieren más estudios en Perú como en América Latina tanto para otros
campos temáticos de la LCC, como también en correlación con sus precedentes teóricos.
The Library of Congress Classification one of the most widely used knowledge organization systems in libraries worldwide for its structure and scope and for its support in the connection with the required information resources, presents differences regarding complexity, updating and compliance with respect to the development of research in Universal and Latin America, history. In this sense, this research seeks to verify such differences with respect to the Peruvian historical and bibliographic reality, for which it is estimated the degree of correspondence existing in 180 subjects (historical events and characters) based on appearance and not appearance in LCC “Peru”, section F3442 - F3447, located in F class, “History of the Americas”, peruvian subdivision, F3400 –F3700, as in six authors recognized in Peruvian bibliography (historical period 1492 - 1919) systematically selected from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) library system. Two tables of degrees are proposed to estimate the correspondence, adapted from the Likert scale, and consist the measuring instrument. After counting in summations, percentages and proportions, it is concluded that the degree of correspondence between the aforementioned knowledge structures is 2,970 / 1, "low", however the set of proportions, as of degrees, is varied for both author, as for each period. The author of the closest degree of correspondence is Fisher, for his 1989 bibliography, with 1,692, "high," and the one with the greatest distance is Porras, for his 1963 work, with 3,974, "very low." In the case of the periods, the one with the closest degree of correspondence is “Emancipation and Independence of Peru (1820 - 1830)” with 2,217 / 1, “high” and the one with the greatest distance is “Viceroyalty of Peru (1548 - 1824)” with 4.042 / 1, “low”. However, more studies in Peru and Latin America are suggested for LCC in other thematic fields as well as in correlation with their state-of-the-art approach.
The Library of Congress Classification one of the most widely used knowledge organization systems in libraries worldwide for its structure and scope and for its support in the connection with the required information resources, presents differences regarding complexity, updating and compliance with respect to the development of research in Universal and Latin America, history. In this sense, this research seeks to verify such differences with respect to the Peruvian historical and bibliographic reality, for which it is estimated the degree of correspondence existing in 180 subjects (historical events and characters) based on appearance and not appearance in LCC “Peru”, section F3442 - F3447, located in F class, “History of the Americas”, peruvian subdivision, F3400 –F3700, as in six authors recognized in Peruvian bibliography (historical period 1492 - 1919) systematically selected from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) library system. Two tables of degrees are proposed to estimate the correspondence, adapted from the Likert scale, and consist the measuring instrument. After counting in summations, percentages and proportions, it is concluded that the degree of correspondence between the aforementioned knowledge structures is 2,970 / 1, "low", however the set of proportions, as of degrees, is varied for both author, as for each period. The author of the closest degree of correspondence is Fisher, for his 1989 bibliography, with 1,692, "high," and the one with the greatest distance is Porras, for his 1963 work, with 3,974, "very low." In the case of the periods, the one with the closest degree of correspondence is “Emancipation and Independence of Peru (1820 - 1830)” with 2,217 / 1, “high” and the one with the greatest distance is “Viceroyalty of Peru (1548 - 1824)” with 4.042 / 1, “low”. However, more studies in Peru and Latin America are suggested for LCC in other thematic fields as well as in correlation with their state-of-the-art approach.
Clasificación--Libros--Perú, Clasificación L.C., Estados Unidos. Library of Congress
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